Community Outreach Workshop

Distance Learning / Hybrid Mode

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Program Goals

The program is designed to help develop the church's community outreach ministry; to train teams to implement their ministry with greater purpose and efficiency, caring for people and showing them the love of God

This program will be beneficial

  • for leadership teams who manage churches community outreach ministry
  • for leaders and participants in community outreach ministry
  • we recommend applicants to apply in a group of 3-5 members from the same team

Admission Requirements

  • belonging to a local church
  • at least 1 years of experience in a church ministry
  • believing in Ukraine's victory

Program Details

  • Format: Distance Learning / Hybrid Mode
  • Degree: Certificate
  • Duration: 2 intensive sessions 5 days each

Tuition Cost

  • The course is offered free of charge. Applicants will be chosen through a competitive selection based on participants' profiles

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • adaptability to changes
  • responsible attitude to the available resources
  • an openness to building relationships

Broadened Knowledge

  • of the principals of a holistic mission approach
  • of the objectives and results of its ministry
  • of the specifics of the ministry's social context

Refined Skills

  • researching the social context and needs of the target audience
  • strategic planning of ministry development
  • planning community outreach ministry budgets and financial reports
  • communication within the team, communication with partners and the target audience of the ministry

Curriculum Intro

  • Holistic Mission

    The course covers the following topics: the meaning of a holistic mission and how its principles affect community outreach ministry; how to serve people and communities holistically, considering their physical, social and spiritual needs.

  • Analysing Community Context

    The course covers the following topics: how to understand the people you serve and why it matters; how to analyse the needs, aspirations, beliefs and attitudes of your target audience; how understanding the social context influences the formation of ministry.

  • Developing Vision, Mission and Values of Ministry

    The course covers the following topics: understanding and framing your team's mission; development of a vision for your ministry; defining values your team will implement in their ministry; how do the concepts listed above form the foundation of your communication within the team, with your partners and the people you serve?

  • Team Development in Community Outreach Ministry

    The course covers the following topics: the role of community in mission; the principles of Trinity relationships in forming a team for the ministry; assigning roles and building processes; stages of team development; conflicts solving and cooperation improvement.

  • Strategy and Planning in Community Outreach Ministry

    The course covers the following topics: development of a long-term strategy and short-term planning skills; goal setting and evaluation of the results; responsible community outreach ministry: how to encourage people for a change and not to make them dependent on someone’s assistance.

  • Accounting and Financial Planning in Ministry

    The course covers the following topics: budgeting; activities financial support; legal registration of an organization; bookkeeping.

  • Evangelism and Communication

    The course covers the following topics: global and local communication regarding your ministry; transparency and honesty in communication; evangelism based on personal relationships; main communication models and their potential to improve ministry

  • Fundraising and Partner Communication

    The course covers the following topics: fundraising types and how you can choose the best approach for you; drafting grant applications; crowdfunding fundraisers; preparing financial reporting for partners.

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