Women’s Leadership Development

Women’s Leadership Development

Distance Learning / Hybrid Mode

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Program Goals

To assist women who are actively involved in ministry, both in the church and their community, in developing their leadership skills to enable them to conduct their ministry with greater confidence and efficiency.

This program will be beneficial to

  • women who hold leadership responsibility in church ministry
  • women who hold executive positions in community service
  • women who lead projects in the field of community entrepreneurship
  • women who are preparing to take a leadership position in their communities

Admission requirements

  • belonging to a local church
  • complete secondary education diploma
  • at least 3 years of practical ministry experience

Program Details

  • Format: Distance Learning/Hybrid
  • Degree: Certificate
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Schedule: 3 sessions with a duration in 2 weeks each
  • Course Start Date: June 17, 2024

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • spiritual and emotional maturity
  • openness to cooperation
  • readiness to continue learning and development

Broadened Knowledge

  • of the principles of a holistic mission
  • of biblical leadership principles and examples of women's leadership in the Bible
  • of research methods to study community needs
  • principles of ministry management and management in non-profit organizations

Refined Skills

  • to research biblical texts and the ability to communicate research findings
  • to develop the purpose, vision and strategy of the ministry
  • ability to present your activities in order to build cooperation with the team and partners
  • taking care of personal development and mentoring in order to being able to help others develop

Curriculum Intro

  • Hermeneutics. Bible Study Methods

    The course is designed to provide basic principles of biblical text interpretation, to form a balanced approach to the interpretation of Scripture, and to encourage students to study the Bible individually. The course is focused on the study of biblical texts related to women and their roles in the family, church, and community.

  • Organizational Leadership

    The course is designed to help students to deal with organizational aspects in church ministry from a management perspective. The course covers the following topics: researching the needs in the community context; forming a vision, mission and values in the ministry; strategic planning and team development.

  • Developing Emotional Intelligence of a Leader

    The course helps students understand the components of emotional intelligence and to develop skills in self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and interaction with other people; opens up the topic of emotional intelligence within leadership context.

  • Holistic Mission

    The course equips students with the knowledge and skills to contribute to God's mission in the world. The course covers the following topics: the biblical doctrine of God's mission; history of the church's mission; intercultural ministry; missionary project organizations. The course will help students understand the missionary component of the work they do, the missionary nature of a church ministry, any profession, and community involvement.

  • Spiritual Formation

    The course is focused on the spiritual formation of a person in the Gospel traditions context. The course harmoniously combines Theology and Christian spiritual practices study. Special attention is focused on the importance of spiritual formation and stages of spiritual development in a leader's life.

  • Communication and Rhetoric

    The purpose of the course is to develop effective communication skills for facilitating teamwork, cooperation with partners, volunteers and reaching the target audience of the ministry. During this course, students will work on a communication strategy for their ministry and improve their public speaking, presentation and media communication skills.

  • Mentoring, Coaching and Facilitation

    The purpose of the course is to help students develop a mentoring culture in their team; understand how to seek mentorship for your own growth and how to be a mentor to help the development of others; understand mentoring types, mentoring goals, and the specifics of mentoring relationships. The course will also introduce some coaching and team facilitation techniques to make mentoring meetings more effective.

  • Project Management

    The course is focused on project management and helps students to acquire necessary knowledge and skills, to achieve the goals and results set for the specific ministry. The course covers the following topics: team management, volunteer management, project budgeting, project organization, and evaluation.

  • Women Leadership in the Bible

    The course focuses on the study of biblical texts about the role of women who played a significant role in the history of God's people, and the spread of the gospel in the Early Church. Students will write an essay or create a text for a podcast about the character they have found most inspiring.

Apply Now

There Are 3 Steps To Take


Fill Out The Registration Form

Registration Form

Get a Recommendation Letter From Your Church Pastor

Please send a link to the recommendation letter form to your church pastor to fill out

Recommendation Letter Form

Take An Online Interview With The Admissions Committee


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