Practical Psychology

Practical Psychology

Bachelor’s Diploma (Counseling)
Distance Learning Mode

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Program Goals

The program is designed to meet the need of modern Christian ministry for psychological knowledge and skills in providing psychological assistance, to train specialists in the field of psychological care in the church environment and society.

This Program Will Be Beneficial To

  • Pastors
  • Church ministry leaders
  • Believers willing to be involved in counseling ministry

Admission Requirements

  • Certificate of complete secondary education
  • Belonging to a local church
  • Applicants over 22 years old are welcome to apply

Program Details

  • Format: Distance Learning Mode
  • Degree: Bachelor’s Diploma (Practical Psychology) - 4 years
  • Duration: 3 sessions (2 weeks each) per year

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - UAH 15,300/year
  • Accommodation – UAH 3,630 /year
  • Meals – UAH 5,400/year
  • Accommodation and Meals – On Request
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • Empathy and sociability
  • Stress resilience and openness to the unknownСтресостійкість і відкритість до невідомого;
  • Ability to critically analyze own acts and results

Broadened Knowledge

  • Knowledge of theoretical foundations of different fields of psychology, fundamentals of philosophy, theology, integration of psychology and theology
  • Knowledge of ethical provisions regulating activity of the counselor (practical psychologist) in different counseling spheres and in work with different categories of the population
  • Knowledge of foundations of psychological assistance and psychological counseling

Refined Skills

  • Practical skills to conduct psychological diagnostics of individuals of different age
  • Practical skills of professional activity in the sphere of mentorship and psychological counseling
  • Skill to do strategic planning of counseling in a particular situation

Curriculum Intro

  • Introduction to the Program

    The course enables students to gain general knowledge of the profession of psychologist and create preconditions for conscious study of specialized subjects; ensure motivation for formation and development of personal qualities needed for effective performance of professional duties, as well as learn ethical principles of activities of the professional psychologist.

  • History of Psychology

    The course throws light on historical development of psychological knowledge in different countries, their specifics, connection with social and historical conditions and state of spiritual life and culture. The course is aimed at students learning general logic, regularities and consistency of formation of psychological knowledge in the context of the general history of science; elaboration of the critical view on different psychological theories, ability to differentiate their advantages and weak points.

  • Theological Anthropology and Hamartiology

    The course introduces two Christian doctrines, namely Anthropology, which is a teaching about the human being, and Hamartiology, which is a teaching about sin. The first part considers issues about man i.e. nature, meaning of the image of God in man, theories of origin, value, and components (spirit, soul and body). The second part is dedicated to issues about what sin is.

  • Philosophy

    The course equips students with basic knowledge about the world view, philosophical trends and concepts predominant in each historic period. It forms the ability to master the main kinds of rational reflection and discussion as an important element of any communication.

  • Anatomy and Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity

    The course introduces students to the structure and functioning of the nervous system, forms theoretical knowledge about conformities of the structure of the nervous system of a human and mechanisms of the nervous system. The subject is important for receiving a physiological education, since the functioning of the nervous system is the basis of development of psychic phenomena.

  • History of the Ukrainian Culture

    The course familiarizes students with periods of development of the Ukrainian culture, problems of ethno and culture genesis of the Ukrainian people, analysis of the historical specifics of the Ukrainian national cultural tradition.

  • Prevention of Profession Burnout

    The course familiarizes students with notions, factors, stages of professional burnout, methods of its prevention and optimization of one’s professional activity with the view to maintaining workability and mental health.

  • Counseling Skills and Techniques

    The course is aimed at learning up-to-date approaches to the practice of psychological counseling; elaboration of practical abilities and skills; formation of moral and ethical norms and responsibilities; realization of professional identities and establishment of professional competence. It is also aimed at equipping students with the main technologies of psychological counseling through disclosure of specifics of the work with different categories of clients and their needs.

  • Social psychology

    The course provides a system of knowledge on the psychological patterns of social behaviour of individuals and various groups, psychological mechanisms of communication and interaction of people in society.

  • History of Ukraine

    The course throws light on general historical stages of the origin and development of the Ukrainian people, their state and culture.

  • Systematic Theology: Soteriology

    The course acquaints students with different aspects of the theology of salvation, historically established approaches in the understanding of salvation, and holistic and balanced Bible view of salvation.

  • Models of Integration of Theology and Psychology

    The course considers different approaches to correlation of theology and psychology as two separate systems of knowledge.

  • General Psychology

    The course is aimed at learning basic notions of psychology; forming scientific ideas about the nature of human psyche, methods and results of studying mental phenomena, individual and typological features; development of the ability to apply psychological knowledge in the conditions of professional activities.

  • Ukrainian language ( professional speciality)

    The course introduces peculiarities of the formal style and means of professional communication, culture of oral and written communication, fundamentals of professional communication and office paperwork, scientific principles of spelling and punctuation; basic stylistic editing of the scientific professionally-oriented text with the view to improving the level of competence of future specialists.

  • Fundamentals of Research

    The course contributes to formation of the competence to conduct independent qualifies and original scientific research, selection of relevant research instruments and ways to solve scientific and applied tasks; to master methodology of scientific cognition, development of necessary abilities and skills to generate new ideas; familiarization with the main requirements to writing research papers, term and graduation papers, theses, etc.

  • Developmental Psychology

    The course presents a holistic view of the personality from the perspective of age and familiarizes with problems of development and their solutions; with sensible periods of development of the personality at different stages of individual development; peculiarities of psychic processes, emotional, volitional, social and motivational spheres of the personality. The course introduces students to theoretical principles and methods to counsel different groups as well as enables them to directly gain their own experience of group counseling in classes.

  • Psychodiagnostics

    The course aims to introduce theoretical knowledge about psychological diagnosis and prognosis, as well as formation of practical ability to conduct psychological and diagnostic examination, and use psychological and diagnostic instruments in different spheres of social practice.

  • Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology

    The course is aimed at studying regularities of the mental activity of the human being in the process of development and self-development, discipline and self-discipline, education and self-education, as well we understanding of psychological mechanisms of education and discipline; perception of modern trends, major techniques and methods of pedagogical psychology.

  • Family Psychology

    The course studies the essence and development of family relations, peculiarities of their origin, establishment, stabilization and decline. It considers typology, structure, functions and dynamics of relations between family members.

  • Theories of Counseling

    The course acquaints students with the main present-day theories of counseling (cognitive and behavioral, client-centered, psychoanalytical, family, etc.)

  • Differentiation Psychology

    The course helps to better understand psychology of individual, typological and group differences between people; familiarize with their classical and innovative classifications. Differentiation psychology studies the notion of individuality, differences in manifestation of one’s tempo, emotional and motivational spheres, individual peculiarities and activities, etc.

  • Psychophysiology

    The course acquaints students with the present-day development of ideas about physiological mechanisms of mental activity and human behavior; equips them with knowledge about state and regularities of the functioning and development of the psyche and neurophysiological processes in the brain.

  • Experimental Psychology

    Future psychologists need to be able to scientifically research and predict regularities of different manifestations of the psyche. The course acquaints students with methodology of the psychological experiment, peculiarities of planning, organizing and conducting of the experimental study of the psyche; considers possibilities to process and substantiate experimental data.

  • Fundamentals of Psychotherapy

    The course is aimed at mastering basic notions of psychotherapy as a science, main approaches of the modern world psychotherapy, its phenomena, strategies and tactics; formation of general professional culture and competence of students, their readiness for professional activity.

  • Social and Psychological Training

    The course aims to study regularities and dynamics of the groups activity of people during psychological training, social and psychological influences; introduce different forms of the work during groups interaction as well as fundamentals of elaborating and conducting psychological training, analysis of the group dynamic and main approaches, techniques and means of the up-to-date psychological training.

  • Group Counseling

    The course acquaints students with theoretical principles and methods of counseling different groups as well as enables to directly gain own experience of conducting group counseling in classes.

  • Training in Art Therapy (fundamentals)

    The course is aimed at students mastering techniques to conduct a qualified art-therapeutic session with a patient, forming abilities to use art-techniques in group and individual psychological work. The course makes active use of art-therapeutic techniques which are discussed with students in classes.

  • Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology

    The course equips students with theoretical knowledge of the main forms of mental disorders; origination and regularities of mental diseases; regularities of changes and restoration of mental activities in different pathological states and development abnormalities; enables to master techniques and methods of their diagnostics, prevention and organization of assistance to people with mental diseases, as well as creates a theoretical foundation for rethinking of cases of mental functions pathology and formation of practical use of psychopathological instruments.

  • Psychology of Conflict

    The course studies regularities, phenomena of conflict, its social and psychological nature, factors and typologies of conflicts, strategies of behavior of the human being in a conflict; introduces regularities of the functioning of conflict interaction, present-day methods of research, diagnostics, prevention and regulation of different kinds of conflicts.

  • Individual Psychology

    The course is aimed at studying and understanding of basic notions of the individual psychology, structure of the individual in different concepts of scientists, main pedagogical approaches to understanding the individual; acquiring practical skills with the view to their effective application in practical activities.

  • Systematic Theology: Theology

    The course is intended to introduce the doctrine about God (theology) and doctrines about Christ and Holy Spirit (Christology and Pneumatology). It draws special attention to defining the nature of faith in Cristian God, His description, understanding of the role of the Trinity in salvation and daily walk of the Christian.

  • Premarital Counseling

    The course familiarizes students with main stages of preparation of a couple for marriage as well as approaches to their professional follow-up in their family life.

  • Prevention of Profession Burnout

    The course familiarizes students with notions, factors, stages of professional burnout, methods of its prevention and optimization of one’s professional activity with the view to maintaining workability and mental health.

  • Psychology of Traumatic Events

    The course acquaints students with notions, objectives, main principles of the work in crises, and creates possibility to master methods and skills of diagnostics and provision of the initial psychological assistance when dealing with persons with post-traumatic stress disorder and encountering different behavioral problems in crises.

  • Organizational Counseling

    The course acquaints students with objectives, principles and methods of counseling in different types of organizations. Students acquire knowledge and skills to diagnose stages of development of an organization, as well as methods to solve its different problems.

  • Systematic Theology: Ecclesiology and Eschatology

    The course is aimed at acquainting students with the doctrine about the Church (Ecclesiology), essence, purposes and forms of management of a Cristian church, as well as the doctrine about the last days (Eschatology), developments of “the last time” and approaches to their interpretation.

  • Sexuality and Psychotherapy of Sexual Disorders

    The course is intended to acquaint students with regularities of psychosexual development of an individual as well as its main stages; enhance sexual culture and competence of students; forma their readiness and ability to provide qualified professional assistance to both family couples and individuals.

  • Counseling Disabled

    The course is aimed at theoretical and practical preparation of students for solving practical problems which arise in the present-day conditions of working with mentally and physically disabled people; familiarizing them with regularities of deviated development, its reasons and mechanisms as well as peculiarities of gaining social and cultural experience by people with atypia (deviations and disorders of development).

  • Practice of Crisis Counseling

    The course familiarizes students with general principles and methods of work in crises. It enables one to gain skills and techniques of counseling and psychological follow-up of people in crises.

  • Family Counseling

    The course is aimed at learning basic notions of family and marriage psychology, theoretical and methodological approaches to counseling and psychocorrectional influence on the couple and family relationships; forming the ability to diagnose family, children and parents, and marriage relationships, as well as conduct prevention and counseling work with the family using methods of the up-to-date family counseling, correction, prevention and psychological deduction (education).

  • Techniques of Social and Psychological Training

    This practically-oriented course is a continuation of the theoretical course “Social and Psychological Training.” It enables students to master basic instruments and techniques of conducting social and psychological training based on one’s own experience.

  • Addiction Counseling

    The course considers how chemical substances influence certain spheres of the human being and his or her integrity as an individual. Students learn how to diagnose a problem and help via methods based on clinical research and standards.

Apply Now

There are 4 steps to take


Fill Out the Online Registration form


Get a Recommendation Letter

You need to get 2 recommendation letters from your church pastor and a ministry leader

Recommendation from a pastor or ministry leader

Take an Online Bible Test

Bible Test

Have an Interview with the Admission Committee


I have chosen UETS because, first of all, it is the only institution integrating academic knowledge...

Ivanna Bohonis

Graduate of the Bachelor of Practical Psychology non-residential program

I wanted to get education in a theological institution of higher education, and comments about the...

Nadiia Novokhatnia

Graduate of the Bachelor of Practical Psychology non-residential program


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