There are several easy ways to make a donation to UETS such as (1) through a fund of the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary at TrustBridge, (2) through United World Mission, (3) by direct transfer.
You can donate to the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Fund at the TrustBridge Global Foundation at the link below. To do it, you need to follow several simple steps, such as indicating what country you give from, selecting a contribution type (bank transfer online/offline, credit card, physical check, donor advised fund, etc.) and describing a contribution purpose. We would be grateful if you could also inform us via email (cfr@uets.net) about a date and amount of your donation. It is important to note that credit card transactions are charged a fee of 2.9%-4.5% depending on the card issuer and country.
Donate nowIf you are willing to wire funds in US DOLLARS, you can also do it through THE UNITED WORLD MISSION, an official partner of UETS in the United States, at the following link. We would also be grateful if you could inform us via email (cfr@uets.net) about a date and amount of your donation.
Donate now