Urban Mission

Urban Mission

Master's Degree in Theology. On Campus/Hybrid Mode
The program is accredited by the European Council for Theological Education

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Program Goals

The program is aimed at equipping students with biblical foundation and practical methods of holistic urban and cross-cultural ministry in cities of the modern world.

This program will be beneficial to

  • Church leaders
  • Public figures
  • Leaders of church social ministries
  • Missionaries
  • Planters of new local urban churches
  • Anyone willing to expand God’s Kingdom in his or her city through various initiatives

Admission Requirements

  • Belonging to a local church
  • Bachelor’s degree in theology or arts
  • Experience of church ministry not less than 5 years

Program Details

  • Format: On Campus/Hybrid Format
  • Duration: Master's degree - 3 years (2 years of active listening to lectures and 1 year of personal research time)

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - 11,000 UAH/year
  • Accommodation and Meals - on request
  • Accommodation - 2,420 UAH/year
  • Meals - 3, 600 UAH/year
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • Love for God, people and cities;
  • Ability to adapt, study and grow for the sake of God’s mission;
  • Desire to cooperate with others in ministry.

Broadened Knowledge

  • Awareness of principles of God’s mission in the city;
  • Understanding of the city dynamics and various social and ethnic groups;
  • Knowledge of current strategies of missionary work in the city.

Refined Skills

  • Application of theoretical knowledge about mission in the city in the context of a specific ministry;
  • Ability to initiate, manage and contextualize ministry among different social and ethnic groups;
  • Ability to form partnerships and raise new leaders for ministry in the city.

Curriculum Intro

  • Urban Church Planting

    This course discusses how to do church planting biblically and effectively in the city, considering principles of urban ecclesiology. Different methodologies are considered as well as the special issues that urban church planters face.

  • Theology of Urban Mission

    This course focuses on a biblical and theological understanding of urban mission, considering God's perspective on and plan for cities, urban churches and urban ministries. Themes to be discussed include urban hermeneutics, urban missiology, and a biblical response to suffering, injustice, and conflict in the city.

  • Urban Anthropology and Sociology

    A detailed study and biblical analysis of the basic sociological and anthropological perspectives of urban populations. Themes include social structure, race and ethnicity, poverty and injustice, multiculturalism, and cultural exegesis. Exposure to urban needs and application to incarnational mission will be emphasized.

  • Leadership and Life of the Urban Minister

    Urban ministers face particular needs and problems in their personal lives and ministry that are important to address. Themes include spiritual formation, adaptation to life in the city, balancing family and ministry, avoiding temptation and burnout, leading a team, theology of leadership, leadership development and mentoring, and partnering with other ministers and ministries.

  • Ministry to Cultural Influencers

    Cities are centers of power and influence. This course considers different ways to do ministry in and through centers of cultural influence, including the areas of media, the arts, education, the law, politics, and business. It discusses the topics of calling, power, change agents, and culture change.

  • Ministry to Migrants and the Unreached

    This course considers the effects of urbanization and globalization on ministry in urban contexts. Themes include identifying and understanding different subcultures in the city, especially unreached people groups; doing ministry among different ethnic and diaspora groups in the city, such as refugees, students, and immigrant groups; the importance of cross-cultural communication; and the theology and use of contextualization in urban ministry.

  • Community Organizing and Development

    This course discusses how a theology of citizenship and principles of community organizing and development can lead to the transformation of communities. Practical methods for how to do community organizing and development are analyzed.

  • Critical Thinking and Research Methods

    Critical thinking is an important skill for all those in ministry. This course helps students to understand the principles of the mind, identity and build argumentation, and assess new information in a balanced way. These principles facilitate effective oral and written communication that can be applied to ministry, research, and many professional activities.

  • Holistic Ministry to the Under-Resourced

    This course examines the needs of the under-resourced and ways to bring God’s love to holistically minister to them. It focuses on the neediest people in society, including the poor, sick, and isolated. The course develops a biblical theology of holistic ministry. Then, it evaluates different types of ministry, distinguishing those that truly help from those that merely generate cycles of dependence.

  • History of the City and Urban Mission

    A detailed study on the development of cities and urban mission throughout history. This course will look at various ministers and ministries in urban contexts from the early church to the present day and draw applications from their successes and failures for modern urban ministry.

  • The Ukrainian and Eurasian Urban Context

    This course considers the nature and particularities of cities in Ukraine and the Eurasian context. Themes include an introduction to urban studies and urbanism in Eurasia, the history of cities and urbanization in Eurasia, and methodology for urban and academic research in the Eurasian context.

Apply Now

There are 4 Steps to Become a Student


Fill out a registration form online

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Get a recommendation letter

You need to get 2 references, from the pastor of your church and a ministry leader

Get a recommendation letter

Take an Online Bible Test

Take a Test

Attend an interview with the admission committee


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