Theology and Practice of the Table

Theology and Practice of the Table

Offline and Online Learning Mode

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Program Goals

To develop ministers with a holistic understanding and practice of the ministry of the "meal" who understand the biblical foundations of worship, practice effective leadership skills, and have the knowledge and skills to implement worship and ministry through food.

This Program Will Be Beneficial to

  • leaders of churches and church ministries
  • the diaconate
  • social ministers
  • leaders of missionary ministries
  • church members who are interested in theology and the practice of the meal.

Admission Requirements

  • Belonging to a local church

Program Details

  • Format: short-term training program
  • Duration: 1 intensive offline session 5 days
  • Dates: September 9-13, 2024
  • Application Deadline Date: August 29, 2024

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - UAH 1,200/year
  • Accommodation and Meals – On Request
  • Accommodation - UAH 440/year
  • Meals - UAH 900/year
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • spiritual and emotional responsibility
  • development of leadership skills
  • ability to self-educate and self-reflect

Broadened Knowledge

  • the fundamentals of worship theology
  • the basic principles of organising a meal service
  • principles of effective leadership in the context of organising a "meal"

Refined Skills

  • the ability to plan, organise and lead a 'meal' service in worship according to the context
  • the ability to organise effective "meal" services in evangelistic ministry
  • the ability to think creatively and create new forms of service and worship within the "meal"

Curriculum Intro

  • Theology of the Meal

    The course reveals the importance of the concept of eating as part of the biblical tradition, especially the ministry of Jesus and the apostles. It focuses on the biblical theology of food and nourishment, as well as the historical development and changing perceptions of the role of food in culture. Particular attention is paid to the understanding of sacrifice and the role of the Lord's Supper in the formation of the Christian culture of worship.

  • Ukrainian culinary tradition and dining aesthetics

    This course explains the specifics of the formation and development of Ukrainian culinary culture and its transition to the present. The course will also examine the ideological component of various foods and the culture of their consumption. The course will also include an overview of regional traditions and trends and their impact on identity.

  • Responsible eating and theology of the body

    The course focuses on a holistic food practice that helps to practice caring for the body as a temple of God. Practical models are provided for applying improved eating habits and sharing this tradition in the community. Particular attention is paid to understanding the role of the body in serving God and the gospel for a body that glorifies God.

  • Meals in the mission

    This course studies the role of various meals in building relationships in society. Various forms of evangelism are explored through community dinners, prayer breakfasts, and service to the needy. Special attention is paid to the development of socialisation around meals.

  • Arranging a meal service in worship

    This course focuses on the pivotal role of the Lord's Supper and the practical dimension of its fulfilment. It also analyses the dynamics of the transformation of the communal meals of the early church (agape) into the liturgical celebration of communion and the possibility of reuniting the two components of the service. Particular attention is paid to overcoming the secular separation between meals and worship in churches and to suggesting possible models of integration.

  • Practical seminar on preparing ‘biblical food’

    This seminar explores the examples and logic of food in Scripture. Through a practical workshop, a model is shown for cultivating a certain attitude towards food in a community, particularly in its missionary role.

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