Young Leaders Formation

Young Leaders Formation

On Campus / Hybrid Mode

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Program Goals

Develop and support young church leaders by equipping them in three main areas:
- in deepening their understanding of the biblical story, the principles of its interpretation and the communication of its values;
- understanding the principles of ministry development in accordance with contextual needs;
- developing and improving leadership skills in working with a team.

This program will be beneficial to

  • young Christians who are ministry leaders
  • young Christians who are preparing for leadership responsibility in ministry
  • Christian youth who are actively involved in church service

Admission requirements

  • Belonging to a local church
  • Complete secondary education certificate

Program Details

  • Format: On Campus / Hybrid Mode
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Duration: 6 sessions (1 weeks each) per year

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - UAH 8,910/year
  • Accommodation and Meals – No cost
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • affirmation in one's calling
  • responsibility and accountability
  • continuous self-education

Broadened Knowledge

  • understand the biblical story, the principles of its interpretation and the formation of the sermon
  • know the approaches to researching the modern context, communication and fundraising
  • understand the principles of team building, conflict resolution, and youth ministry development

Refined Skills

  • to use the principles of Bible interpretation and sermon formation
  • to be able properly research the context, communicate and search for material resources
  • to be able tobuild teams and resolve conflict situations in ministry

Curriculum Intro

  • Introduction to the Old Testament

    The course material reveals the main characteristics and content of the books of the Old Testament, the key theological themes of the Old Testament books and their relationship to the books of the New Testament.

  • Hermeneutics

    During this course, students will learn the basic principles of biblical interpretation, develop a balanced approach to interpreting Scripture, and be inspired to study the Bible on their own. Topics covered include: a historical overview of the interpretation of Scripture and various approaches to its interpretation; an assessment of the problems associated with the interpretation of Scripture and ways to solve them; and the identification of right and wrong approaches to interpreting the Bible.

  • Life of Jesus Christ

    This course will focus on the four canonical Gospels against the backdrop of three closely intertwined contexts: Jewish, early Christian, and political (Roman Empire).

  • Homiletics

    This course focuses on how to create a biblical, interesting, relevant and practical sermon with a clear structure. Students will learn how to find the key idea of a biblical passage, build a sermon outline, and fill it with relevant content and illustrations.

  • Ministry Social Context Research

    During the course, students will be trained to study the social context of ministry: the aspirations and interests of the target audience, the key needs to be addressed, the peculiarities of culture, thinking and beliefs, etc. The course consists of three parts: 1) the purpose of studying the context for the formation of ministry; 2) the main methods of studying the context of ministry; 3) analysis and conclusions of sociological research. Students will acquire the following skills: studying sociological research data, conducting in-depth interviews, conducting a sociological survey, analysing, drawing conclusions and making strategic decisions based on data.

  • Modern Communications in Church Ministry

    The course aims to teach students how to use modern communication tools productively in church ministry: to make the church subculture understandable in media channels; to improve their presence in the media space; to see the biggest challenges for the church in the media age and to overcome them.

  • Developing Youth Ministries

    This course will equip young leaders to effectively minister to young people through: an in-depth understanding of biblical principles of ministry; knowledge of the age-specific characteristics of "youth"; and skills in youth pastoral care.

  • Fundraising in Ministry

    The course will introduce students to the general principles of fundraising, teach them how to write service projects and create a budget. The course consists of three parts: 1) defining the general principles of finding resources for ministry; 2) a workshop on writing projects; 3) the basics of budgeting.

  • Leadership

    The course is designed to form an understanding of spiritual, ethical and effective leadership and to show what is required for the holistic formation, development, thinking, character and skills of interaction with followers. The choice of topics is based on an understanding of the urgent challenges created by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

  • Spiritual Formation of a Leader

    The course is focused on the formation of a spiritually mature person. Here, students learn to apply the basic spiritual values and principles of Christian spirituality. They also consider the main spiritual disciplines, such as God-seeking, prayer, meditation on the Holy Scriptures, mentoring, fasting, solitude, and more.

  • Team Building

    Students master the general principles of forming a team for ministry: how to form a common goal and vision for the team; how to distribute roles; how to set up interaction processes and develop building relationships; how to introduce changes and evaluate team results, etc.

  • Conflict Resolution

    The course is designed to provide basic knowledge and skills on how to respond to and resolve conflicts in the church environment. Students will consider the following issues: the definition of conflict; types of conflict and an overview of those that most often occur in church ministry (individual and group levels); the dynamics of conflict and how to prevent them; and possible strategies for conflict resolution based on biblical principles and life experience.

Apply Now

Fill out the Online Registration Form


Registration Form

Application Form

Get a Recommendation Letter

You need to get 2 references, from the pastor of your church and a ministry leader

Recommendation from pastor or ministry leader

Take the Online Bible Test

Bible Test

Attend an Interview with the Admissions Committee


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