Applied Theology. On Campus/Hybrid Learning Program

Applied Theology. On Campus/Hybrid Learning Program

Bachelor's degree. The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
The Program is accredited by the European Council for Theological Education

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Program Goals

To equip Christians with necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of theology, Bible studies and holistic mission. Christians are actively involved in various ministries, doing God's mission in the context of their local churches and society.

This program will be beneficial to

  • Youth who view themselves involved in church ministry or work for Christian organizations
  • Ministers willing to improve their ministry
  • Christians who want to make Bible values known and transform different societal spheres through their professional activity.


  • Membership of a local church
  • Certificate of full secondary education

Program Details

  • On Campus/Hybrid Program
  • Bachelor Degree – 3 years

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - UAH 8,100/year
  • Accommodation and Meals – On Request
  • Accommodation - UAH 3,630 per year
  • Meals - UAH 5 940 per year
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • Spiritual and emotional maturity
  • Understanding one’s calling and mission
  • Responsibility and accountability
  • Sustainable self-education.

Broadened Knowledge

  • Knowledge of the main principles of Bible interpretation
  • Holistic understanding of the biblical story of salvation
  • Knowledge of the main Christian doctrines
  • Knowledge of the history of Christianity and the main Christian traditions in Ukraine.

Refined Skills

  • Ability to interpret and analyze biblical texts
  • Ability to form and communicate ideas through preaching, teaching, speaking in public, writing scientific texts
  • Ability to organize and develop church ministries
  • Ability to integrate theological knowledge into professional activities.

Curriculum Intro

  • History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture

    The course is designed to uncover and analyse the history of the self-awareness of the Ukrainian people, the specifics of the pre-conditions for the ups and downs of Ukrainian statehood, and to review the main stages of the development of national culture.

  • Hermeneutics

    The course is designed to provide basic principles of biblical interpretation, to form a balanced approach to the interpretation of Scripture and to encourage independent study of the Bible. The course covers the following topics: a historical overview of the interpretation of Scripture, various approaches to its interpretation; assessment of problems related to the interpretation of Scripture and ways to solve them; identification of correct and incorrect approaches to the interpretation of the Bible.

  • Christian Ethics

    The course provides an introduction to the general concepts of ethics and morality, a comparison of secular and biblical ethical approaches, and a study of the biblical basis for solving practical issues in various areas of ethics. Particular attention is paid to the following ethical issues: divorce and remarriage, acceptable and unacceptable professions, acceptable and unacceptable art, participation in political movements, intellectual property, etc.

  • Introduction to the New Testament

    The course helps to form an overall coherent picture of the New Testament era and provides fundamental knowledge of each book of the New Testament. The course is divided into two units: the first unit examines the historical, cultural and religious background of the New Testament; the second unit covers the canon and text of the New Testament, as well as an overview of each book of the New Testament.

  • Introduction to the Old Testament

    The course helps to form a general picture of the Old Testament era. The course examines the culture of the Ancient East as a factor influencing the understanding of the message of the Old Testament; the chronological sequence of Old Testament events; and the issues of divine inspiration, canon, authorship, time and place of origin of the biblical books, and textual interpretation.

  • Organisational Principles of Scientific and Research Work

    The course contains two parts. The first part is focused on developing the student's research skills and helping them to learn the rules of research papers and reviews. The second part is designed to learn how to use modern computer technologies that facilitate the writing, design and presentation of research results.

  • Foreign Language

    The course develops English language skills at the appropriate level, primarily for the use of English-language sources in academic research, and also to be able to present the key ideas of student's research/preaching.

  • Pedagogics

    The subject provides systematisation of knowledge about education and teaching as pedagogical processes of personality development. The course reveals the forms, methods, means of teaching and educating, as well as develops skills in planning and organising educational work in accordance with the basic pedagogical laws and principles.

  • Philosophy

    During the study of the course, students will consider and analyse a number of key philosophical texts from classical to contemporary. The course provides an opportunity to read philosophical texts independently and to analyse them qualitatively through discussion.

  • Life of Jesus Christ

    The Life of Jesus Christ offers a narrative and theological approach to the study of the four canonical Gospels. They are considered against the background of three closely intertwined contexts: Jewish, early Christian, and political (Roman Empire).

  • Isagogics of the Old Testament

    The course is designed to develop a clear understanding of the main characteristics and content of the books of the Old Testament, to present the key theological themes of the Old Testament books and their relationship to the books of the New Testament.

  • Homiletics

    The course is designed to develop the skills for preparing a biblical, interesting and relevant sermon with a clear structure. The main focus of the course is on developing the ability to find the key idea of a passage of Scripture, to build a sermon plan, and to fill it with relevant content and illustrations.

  • Professional Purposes Ukrainian Language

    The course helps to acquire the skills of professional communication in Ukrainian at the grammatical, lexical and stylistic levels.

  • Introduction to Theology

    The course is fundamental in developing an understanding of the nature and tasks of theology. The course focuses on the following key issues: the subject, purpose, sources, method and types of theology, its formation and formulation in the past, and how it should develop in the present.

  • Church Praxeology


  • Introductory Workshops


  • Rhetoric

    The purpose of the course is to develop language skills and effective interaction in situations where we consciously set goals, plan any impact in advance, and predict the outcome.

  • Psychology

    The course is intended to provide theologians with theoretical knowledge of psychology, psychological patterns of personality development from birth and mental phenomena in terms of modern achievements of psychological science; to master the methodological principles of psychology, methods of psychological research.

  • Religion Science

    The course equips students with knowledge about the essence of religion, its role in society, the main beliefs and practices of world and national religions, as well as the latest religious movements. Particular attention is paid to the issue of dialogue and witness to representatives of other faiths.

  • Systematic Theology: Christology

    The course is focused on the core of the Christian faith - the doctrine of Christ. The course develops a holistic, biblical understanding of the person of Christ, His nature and role in salvation.

  • The First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians

    The course will explore the background to Paul's writing of First and Second Corinthians and provide an exegetical analysis of the text with an emphasis on the application of the text to both the individual's personal life and the local Christian community.

  • Applied Theology: Youth Ministry Organization

    The course is designed to reveal the biblical principles of youth ministry, the specifics of the ministry of the church and youth leaders in modern culture, and to develop skills in mentoring young people.

  • Applied Theology: Church Formation and Development

    The course is designed to understand the key principles of church development and growth. The course focuses on four topics: the church, reaching new people, church ministry, and church leadership.

  • History of the Church: Early and Medieval

    The course studies the history of Christianity from the day of Pentecost to the official division into the Western and Eastern Churches. The course outlines the external and internal challenges that the church faced; it explores the origins and history of monasticism, Christian theology, schools, the papacy, etc.

  • Systematic Theology: Anthropology and Hamartology

    The course is focused on studying two Christian doctrines: Anthropology, the doctrine of man, and Hamartology, the doctrine of sin. The first part of the course deals with questions about man: his nature, the meaning of the image of God in man, theories of the origin of man, his value, and the components of man (spirit, soul, and body). The second part deals with the question of what constitutes sin.

  • Foreign Language

    The course helps to develop English language skills at the appropriate level, firstly, to use English-language sources in academic research, and secondly, to be able to present the key ideas of their research / sermons.

  • Church and Society

    The course explores the political dimension of the main biblical narratives, laying the groundwork for the following questions: what is the church and its social images and mission; the political position of the church in the state; what is the state in its negative and positive meanings; forms of church-state relations in the modern world.

  • The Epistle to the Romans

    The course offers an analytical and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans with its possible application to the modern Christian life. The course focuses on the following topics: the truth of the Gospel, human sinfulness, salvation, justification, faith, life in the Spirit, the dilemma of law and Christian freedom, etc.

  • Systematic Theology: Pneumatology

    This course examines the nature and work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. The main focus is on the revelation of the divine nature of the Spirit in the context of the revelation of the Triune God, as well as the application of ‘biblical pneumatology’ in the modern church, taking into account its belief and practice.

  • Psychological Counseling

    The course is focused on developing the basics of psychological counselling, forming psychological counselling skills; familiarising with the sequence of actions of a counsellor in the counselling process; outlining the stages of developing basic counselling skills using various techniques to obtain information about a person and their problems.

  • Applied Theology: Foundations of Worship

    The course is designed to develop a clear and holistic understanding of the various aspects of church ministry: the formation, organisation and development of a Christian community. The course emphasises the importance of the interrelationships between the various aspects of church ministry and shows the importance of the gradual formation and development of a community.

  • History of the Church: Reformation

    This course studies the history of the church during the Late Middle Ages and the Reformation. The course focuses on the cultural, religious, political and economic causes and preconditions of the Reformation, as well as its consequences. The course has a practical application: historical lessons and conclusions that remain relevant to the present day.

  • Missiology

    The course equips students with the knowledge and skills to participate in God's mission in the world. The content of the course covers the following topics: biblical teaching on God's mission; history of the church's mission; intercultural ministry; organisation of missionary projects; development of the church's missionary ministry; fundraising and others.

  • Modern Communications in Church Service

    This course introduces the main pastoral themes in Paul's letters. It studies the model of priestly and Levitical ministry to understand the administration of church work; presents the main features of pastoral culture; and offers practical advice on how to create a family atmosphere in the church to provide quality pastoral care and spiritual formation.

  • The Church's Social Teaching

    The course explores the political dimension of the main biblical narratives, laying the groundwork for the following questions: what is the church and its social images and mission; the political position of the church in the state; what is the state in its negative and positive meanings; forms of church-state relations in the modern world.

  • Systematic Theology: Anthropology


  • History of the Church: Reformation

    This course is focused on the history of the church during the Late Middle Ages and the Reformation. The course focuses on the cultural, religious, political and economic causes and preconditions of the Reformation, as well as its consequences. The course has a practical application: historical lessons and conclusions that remain relevant to the present day.

  • Apologetics

    The course is focused on studying the defence of faith, analysing philosophical and worldview premises, and building a dialogue with contemporary society. The course covers epistemological issues of apologetics, worldview issues, the interaction of science and religion, the development of dialogue in modern society, and the ability to understand and structure various worldviews.

  • Applied Theology: Leadership

    The course provides a brief history of the study of leadership approaches, including an overview of contemporary theories. The course is based on the assumption that there is no single understanding and type of leadership, but rather that in different periods there is a public demand for a particular type of leader.

  • Marriage and Family

    The course is intended to develop an understanding of the biblical vision of marriage and family relationships: their authorship, design, roles, responsibilities, and purpose. On the one hand, the course examines the perspective on marriage in the Old and New Testaments, and on the other hand, it provides practical tools, skills and their everyday application in the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children. The course is highly practical for both ministers and church members.

  • International Communications

    The course includes an introduction to modern trends in the development of cultures; study of the theory and practice of intercultural communication, methods of intercultural and interpersonal communication in different cultures. Particular attention is paid to the different cultures, as well as to the basic methods of ministry, preaching the Gospel in the relevant cultural environment.

  • Legal Support for the Activities of the Religious Organization

    The course examines the peculiarities of legal regulation of religious organisations; outlines the place of religious organisations in the political system of society, their peculiarities in comparison with other non-profit organisations, etc.

  • Systematic Theology: Ecclesiology and Eschatology

    The course is focused on the study of two subjects of Christian theology: the doctrine of the Church and the End Times. Attention is focused on defining the essence, purpose and goals of the Christian church, as well as the forms of its governance. In addition, the events of the ‘end times’ are studied, as well as various approaches to their interpretation and application in the life of the church.

  • Modern Communications in Church Service

    The course is dedicated to the complex issue of productive use of modern communication tools in church ministry and aims to answer the following questions: how to make the church subculture understandable in media channels? What should be considered for the competent use of media channels? How to improve your presence in media channels not quantitatively but qualitatively? What is the biggest challenge for the church in the media age?

  • Systematic Theology: Soteriology

    The course is focused on the core of the Christian faith - the doctrine of Christ and salvation. The course develops a holistic, healthy understanding of God's saving work, which the Father has done and is doing through Christ and the Holy Spirit. The course analyses and compares different views of salvation and its aspects.

  • History of the Evangelical Movement

    This course studies the history of the Evangelical Protestant movement in Europe and Ukraine. The course examines three main evangelical movements in Ukraine: Baptists, Evangelical Christians, and Pentecostals. Events, key figures, and the formation of evangelical theological traditions are the main topics of the course.

  • Foreign Language

    The course develops English language skills at the appropriate level, firstly, to use English-language sources in academic research, and secondly, to be able to present the key ideas of student's research / sermons.

  • Conflictology

    The course is designed to provide basic knowledge and skills on how to respond to conflict situations and achieve their resolution, namely: to give an understanding of the concept of ‘conflict’; to discuss the types of conflicts that most often occur in church ministry; what are the dynamics of conflicts and how to prevent them? What are possible strategies for resolving them based on biblical principles and life experience?

Apply Now

There are 7 Steps to Take


Take the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT-2024)ation form online

For all the details on registration and the test taking process, please follow the link

Create a personal online account in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE)

The online account in the USEDE database allows applicants to submit applications and documents for admission to higher education institutions in electronic form. The registration of applicants' electronic accounts begins on 1 July. Applications and documents will be accepted from 19 to 31 July.

Please follow the link for more details

Write a motivation letter

When registering for your online account, attach a motivation letter to your application. The text of the letter should be written or pasted into a special box in the section "Submitting applications for admission". For the requirements for writing and formatting a motivation letter, see the document "Rules for Admission to the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary", which is available below on this page.


Submit an application for an interview

To participate in the interview, please register through the applicant's online acoount at USEDE website. Registration will take place from 3 to 25 July. Interviews will take place from 7 to 31 July.


Fill out the Online Registration Form

Application Form

Get a Recommendation Letter

You will need two references. Please send the link to your local church pastor and your ministry supervisor to fill out a reference for you.

Recommendation from a pastor or ministry leader

Read our admission guidelines

We will receive the lists of applicants recommended for admission using the USEDE database and publish them on the UETS website after 9 August. You can also find out whether you have been recommended for admission in your electronic cabinet.




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