Applied Theology. Distance Learning Mode Program

Applied Theology. Distance Learning Mode Program

Bachelor's degree. The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
The Program is accredited by the European Council for Theological Education

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Program Goals

To equip Christians with necessary and profound knowledge and skills in the fields of theology, Bible studies and holistic mission for them to be actively involved in various ministries and do God’s mission in the context of their local churches and society.

The non-residential mode enables to receive high-quality theological education while on the job or in church ministry.

This program will be beneficial to

  • Youth willing to be involved in church ministry or work for a Christian organization
  • Ministers willing to improve their ministry
  • Christians who want to make Bible values known and transform different societal spheres through their professional activity

Requirements to prospective students

  • Membership of a local church
  • Certificate of full secondary education

Program Details

  • Non-resident program
  • Bachelor’s Diploma - 4 years
  • 3 two-week modular sessions

Tuition Cost

  • Tuition - 8 100 UAH/year
  • Accommodation and Meals - on request
  • Accommodation - 3 630 UAH/year
  • Meals - UAH 5 940 per year
  • The annual fee can be paid in parts, separately for each session

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • Commitment to God and following Christ
  • Ability to appreciate and care about one’s neighbor
  • Desire to serve others with one’s gifts

Broadened Knowledge

  • Knowledge of the main principles of Bible interpretation
  • Holistic understanding of the biblical story of salvation
  • Knowledge of the main Christian doctrines
  • Knowledge of the history of Christianity and the main Christian traditions in Ukraine

Refined Skills

  • Ability to analyze and critically assess information
  • Ability to generate ideas and communicate them through preaching, teaching, speaking in public, writing scientific texts
  • Ability to use tools to study Bible texts
  • Ability to integrate theological knowledge into professional activities.

Curriculum Intro

  • Fundamentals of Research

    The course is intended to shape research skills in the realm of theology and church ministry. On the one hand, the course considers the role of research in the academic and spiritual life of the believer, raising questions such as “What does it mean to research and think critically?” “What is the role of knowledge?” How is faith connected to the mind?” On the other hand, the course draws attention to technical rules of writing research papers and reviews.

  • Introduction to Old Testament

    The course is aimed at forming a clear understanding of the main characteristics and content of the Old Testament books, introducing key theological themes of the books of the Old Testament and their relation to the books of the New Testament.

  • Hermeneutics

    The course is intended to provide students with basic principles to expound a biblical text, form a balanced approach to interpret the Scriptures and urge Christians to independently study the Bible. It comprises topics such as review of historic attempts to expound the Scriptures, different approaches to their interpretation, assessment of problems related to interpretation and ways to resolve them, determination of correct and incorrect approaches to expound the Bible.

  • Review of the New Testament

    Basic course that helps to shape a general holistic picture of the New Testament epoch and equips with fundamental knowledge of each book of the News Testament. The course consists of two blocks. The first one considers the historic, cultural and religious background of the New Testament. The second comprises issues of the canon and text of the New Testament as well as review of each book of the New Testament.

  • Homiletics

    The course is aimed at equipping students with skills to draw up a biblical, interesting, relevant and clearly structured sermon. It focuses mainly on development of the abilities to identify a key idea of a passage, outline the sermon, fill it with relevant content and illustration.

  • Theology. Bibliology.

    The course reveals basic notions such as “theology,” relevance of theology, directions and interrelation of theology with other subjects, variety of the specter of historical approaches to theology. The course discloses issues such as the Trinity, God’s attributes, God’s creative work, nature of revelation and role of the Scriptures in the process of seeking God.

  • Leadership

    The course considers a brief history of studying approaches to leadership, including a review of the present-day theories. The course is based on the assumption that there is no single understanding of leadership or its type, with different social demands prevailing in different periods of time.

  • Spiritual Formation

    The course is aimed at throwing some light on spiritual formation of a person from the perspective of evangelical traditions. The material of the course harmoniously correlates the study of theology and Christian spiritual practices. It focuses on the practices such as search for God, prayer, reflections on the Scriptures, mentorship, fast, isolation, etc.

  • Missiology

    The course equips students with knowledge and skills enabling them to take part in God’s mission in the world. It comprises topics such as the Bible teaching about God’s mission, history of the mission of the Church, cross-cultural ministry, organization of missionary projects, development of the missionary ministry of the Church, fundraising, etc.

  • Foundations of Psychological Counseling

    The course is aimed at equipping students with the basics of psychological counseling, forming skills of psychological counseling. It familiarizes students with the order of the counseling process itself, outlines stages to obtain basic counseling skills using various techniques to receive information about a person and his or her problems.

  • Anthropology and Hamartiology

    The course is aimed at mastering two Christian doctrines, namely Anthropology (teaching of the human being) and Hamartiology (teaching of the sin). The first part of the course considered issues related to the human being, in particular nature of the human being, God’s image in the human being, theories of origin of the human being, value and components of the human being (spirit, soul, body). The second part considers various issues in connection with the sin.

  • Early and Medieval Church History

    The course throws light on the history of Christianity from the Day of Pentecost up to the formal division into Western and Eastern Churches. It outlines external and internal problems the Church has to deal with; considers reasons and history of the monkhood, Christian theology, papacy, etc.

  • Principles of Church Ministry

    The course considers various aspects of the church ministry, their purposes, goals and main principles. It is aimed at unveiling these topics through the prism of many years of experience of church ministers. The course is divided into several main themes, namely Church Service; Organization and Development of the Church; Different Direction of the Church Ministry, Life of the Minister, Teamwork, etc.

  • Marriage and family

    The course is intended to familiarize with principles to build up healthy relationships, main approaches to counseling families and young couples as well as outline a wide range of problems the modern family faces and methods to solve them.

  • Christology and Soteriology

    The course considers the very core of the Christian faith which is the teaching about Christ and salvation. The course shapes an integral sound understanding of the redemption work God the Father has been accomplishing through Christ and Holy Spirit. The course also analyzes and compares different views of salvation and its aspects.

  • Bible Pneumatology

    The course considers the nature and work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. The main attention is drawn to the divine nature of the SPirit in the context of revelation about the Triune God as well as the issue of application of “the biblical pneumatology” in the modern church, considering its faith and practice.

  • Religious Studies

    The course equips students with knowledge of the essence of religion, its role in society, mail beliefs and practices of world and national religions as well as new religious movements. Particular attention is drawn to the issues of dialogue and testimony to representatives of other religions.

  • Ethics

    The course introduces general notions of ethics and morale, compares secular and biblical ethical approaches as well as analyses the biblical foundation to solve practical issues in various spheres of ethics. It draws particular attention to ethical issues such as divorce and new marriage, admissible and inadmissible professions? admissible and inadmissible art, participation in political movements, intellectual property, etc.

  • Epistle to Romans

    The course presupposes analytical and exegetical study of the Epistle to Romans with its application in the life of the modern Christian. It focuses on topics such as truth of the Gospel, sinfulness of the human being, salvation, justification, life in Spirit, dilemma of the law and Christian freedom, etc.

  • First and Second Epistles to Corinthians

    The course considers preconditions under which Paul wrote the First and Second epistles to Corinthians as well as exegetical analysis of the text with emphasis on its application both in a private life and life of a local Christian community.

  • Church History: Reformation

    The course teaches the history of the Church of the late Middle Ages and Reformation. Its focal point comprises cultural, religious, political and economic causes and preconditions of the Reformation as well as its consequences. The course is practically applicable as it includes historical lessons and conclusions which have not lost their relevance today.

  • Ecclesiology and Eschatology

    The course is aimed at teaching two subjects of the Christian theology, namely the teaching of the Church and last days. It focuses on the essence, predestination and objectives of the Christian Church as well as forms of its management. Besides, it throws light on developments of “the last time,” different approaches to their interpretation and application.

  • Principles of Church Growth

    The course is aimed at demonstrating the main factors which influence the growth of the Church and accomplishment of its mission. The main attention is drawn to innovative methods of reaching people out with the Gospel and principles of organization of effective church ministry in the present-day Ukrainian context. The course is made up of separate seminars conducted by experienced ministers.

  • Book of Acts

    The course analyzes the continued ministry of Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit in the birth of the Church and its development. It focuses on consideration of the main events in the book as well as research of geography and chronology of the spreading of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome.

  • Literature of Wisdom in Pastoral Ministry

    The course is aimed at thorough studying biblical principles found in the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job and Song of Songs which are needed for effective ministry. Besides, it researches historical, cultural and theological peculiarities of these books.

  • Apologetics

    The course is intended to deepen the understanding of the need for logical substantiation of one's own beliefs as well as the ability to constructively debate with people having opposite views. The course draws attention to epistemological issues of apologetics, worldview issues, interrelation between science and religion, development of the dialogue in modern society and ability to understand and structure different worldview positions.

  • History of Evangelical Movement

    The course looks into the history of the Evangelical and Protestant movement in Europe and Ukraine. It considers three main evangelical directions in Ukraine, namely the Baptists, Evangelical Christians, Pentecostals. The main topics include events, key people, formation of the evangelical and theological traditions.

  • History and Teaching of the Orthodox Church

    The course reveals the history, culture and liturgy peculiarities of the Orthodox Church. It accentuates the history of relations between the Orthodox Christianity and evangelical movement, as well as the government and the Church.

  • Theology of Professional Activities

    The course is aimed at demonstrating on the material of the Book of Daniel how the Christian faith can be revealed at one’s work place.

  • Church and Society

    The course traces down the political dimension of the main biblical narratives, laying a foundation for disclosure of the following issues: What is the Church? What are its social images and mission? What is the political stance of the Church in a state? What is the state both in the negative and positive meaning? What are forms of relations between the Church and state in the present-day world?

  • Applied Theology: Pastoral Theology

    The course considers the main pastoral themes in the epistles of the apostle Paul. It analyzes the model of the Priest and Levite ministry with the view to understanding administration of the church work; presents the main features of the pastoral culture; provides practical pieces of advice on how to create a family atmosphere in a church to exercise pastoral care in spiritual formation.

  • Book of Revelation

    The course is aimed at theological and exegetical reading of the Book of Revelation, which seeks to show a broader picture of the history of salvation namely the drama of confrontation of the Church with the evil, amazing triumph of the Lamp and formation of the new Heaven and Earth.


If it weren't for the seminary, I would make millions of mistakes instead of the thousands I make...

Natalia Artemenko

Graduate of the Transformative Leadership non-residential program

Apply Now

There are 7 Steps to Take


Take the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT-2024)ation form online

For all the details on registration and the test taking process, please follow the link

Create a personal online account in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE)

The online account in the USEDE database allows applicants to submit applications and documents for admission to higher education institutions in electronic form. The registration of applicants' electronic accounts begins on 1 July. Applications and documents will be accepted from 19 to 31 July.

Please follow the link for more details

Write a motivation letter

When registering for your online account, attach a motivation letter to your application. The text of the letter should be written or pasted into a special box in the section "Submitting applications for admission". For the requirements for writing and formatting a motivation letter, see the document "Rules for Admission to the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary", which is available below on this page.


Submit an application for an interview

To participate in the interview, please register through the applicant's online acoount at USEDE website. Registration will take place from 3 to 25 July. Interviews will take place from 7 to 31 July.


Fill out the online registration Form

Application Form

Get a Recommendation letter

You will need two references. Please send the link to your local church pastor and your ministry supervisor to fill out a reference for you.

Recommendation from a pastor or ministry leader

Read our admission guidelines

We will receive the lists of applicants recommended for admission using the USEDE database and publish them on the UETS website after 9 August. You can also find out whether you have been recommended for admission in your electronic cabinet.


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