Messianic Theology, History and Mission

Messianic Theology, History and Mission

Bachelor’s Diploma
Distance Learning/Hybrid Mode

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Program Goals

The purpose of the program is to equip Christians with necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of Bibliology and Holistic Mission as well as profound knowledge on how to minister to the Jewish people.

This program will be beneficial to

  • Jewish Messianic communities
  • For anyone interested in studying messianic theology

Admission requirements

  • Belonging to a local church
  • Certificate of full secondary education

Program Details

  • Format: On Campus/Hybrid Mode
  • Degree: Bachelor’s Diploma - 4 years
  • Duration: 3 sessions (2 weeks each) per year

Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Character

  • Commitment to God and following the Messiah;
  • Ability to appreciate and care about one’s neighbor;
  • Desire to serve others with one’s own gifts.

Broadened Knowledge

  • Awareness of the main principles to expound the Bible,
  • Holistic understanding of the Bible’s history of salvation;
  • Awareness of the main Christian doctrines;
  • Knowledge of the history of the Jewish people, messianic movement and Christianity from the perspective of the Bible.

Refined Skills

  • Ability to analyze and critically assess information;
  • Ability to generate thoughts and render them through sermons, instruction, public speaking and scientific texts;
  • Ability to use Bible research tools;
  • Ability to integrate the knowledge of theology into professional activities.

Curriculum Intro

  • Fundamentals of Research

    The course is intended to shape research skills in the realm of theology and church ministry. On the one hand, the course considers the role of research in the academic and spiritual life of the believer, raising questions such as “What does it mean to research and think critically?” “What is the role of knowledge?” How is faith connected to the mind?” On the other hand, the course draws attention to technical rules of writing research papers and reviews.

  • Hermeneutics

    The course is intended to equip students with basic principles to expound a biblical text, form a balanced approach to interpret the Scriptures and urge Christians to independently study the Bible. It comprises topics such as review of historic attempts to expound the Scriptures, different approaches to their interpretation, assessment of problems related to interpretation and ways to resolve them, determination of correct and incorrect approaches to expound the Bible.

  • Introduction into Tanah

    The course throws light on the formation of the Tanah (Old Testament in the Christian tradition). It considers compilation, authorship and dating of the biblical texts. Special attention is drawn to external (not biblical) testimonies, namely history of literacy and literature, archeological data and internal text features which confirm the ancient nature and authenticity of the books of the Bible. The course analyzes views pertaining both to the Jewish and Christian traditions, as well as modern criticism of the Tanah books, describes the history of the canon, dwells upon problems of the textology. The topics are considered solely from the perspective that the Tanakh is God-breathed Scripture which is holy both for the Jews and Christians.

  • Introduction into New Testament

    The course raises issues of the origin of the New Testament texts and formation of the New Testament as a part of the Bible. It considered views of the Christian tradition and modern critical research about the origin of the New Testament books, overviews the history of the Bible canon, dwells upon problems of textology. It also includes data about the historical and cultural context of the New Testament books. It draws special attention to the Jewish context of their content. All topics are considered solely from the perspective of the New Testament as God-breathed Scripture which is an integral part of the Bible as a Jewish book.

  • Exegesis. Introduction into Interpretation of Scriptures

    The given course introduces the fundamentals of analysis and application of the Scripture which is considered to be a God-breathed book. It accentuates practical aspects of the Bible research and principles of application of biblical truth in the life of the believer. It draws special attention to the Holy Spirit who reveals the truth and gives wisdom for its application.

  • Theology

    The course is about the Bible revelation about God as the essence and content of theology. It studies the revelation about God in the Tanah (the Old Testament) and New Testament. It provides historic material about views of the nature and attributes of the divinity in the theology of both Christianity and Judaism. The Christian views are considered primarily from the perspective of systematic theology. The topics are considered from the angle of the teaching about unity and persons of the divinity. The course accentuates the perception of God in the light of personal relationships with Him.

  • Introduction into Messianic Theology

    The course is on the revelation of the Bible about Israel as promised God’s people and integral part of the body of Messiah. It analyses the teaching of the Bible about the origin, purpose and role of the Jewish people in God’s salvation plan, God’s design of the Church as His family a key part of which the Jewish component is. It uncovers the biblical view of the importance of conversion of the Jews to their Messiah, Jesus Christ, as a precondition of a revival in the Church, its entrance into the fullness, maturity and the second coming of the Lord.

  • History of the Jewish People (1)

    The course throws lights on the main events in the history of the Jewish people from their emergence until the Great Rebellion (66–70 B.C.). It describes, first and foremost, the history of the Jews as history of relations between God and His people which reveals God’s plan of salvation through the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ.

  • Anthropology and Hamartiology

    The course is aimed at mastering two Christian doctrines, namely Anthropology (teaching of the human being) and Hamartiology (teaching of the sin). The first part of the course considered issues related to the human being, in particular nature of the human being, God’s image in the human being, theories of origin of the human being, value and components of the human being (spirit, soul, body). The second part considers various issues in connection with the sin.

  • Homiletics

    The course is aimed at equipping students with skills to draw up a biblical, interesting, relevant and clearly structured sermon. It focuses mainly on development of the abilities to identify a key idea of a passage, outline the sermon, fill it with relevant content and illustration.

  • Fundamentals of Psychological Counseling

    The course is intended to introduce modern approaches to the practice of psychological counseling and Christian care; develop practical counseling skills; determine ethical norms and responsibilities. It aims to equip students with the main theoretical knowledge and technologies of psychological counseling and Christian care by revealing specifics of work with different categories of patients and their needs.

  • Epistle to Romans

    The course presupposes analytical and exegetical study of the Epistle to Romans with its application in the life of the modern Christian. It focuses on topics such as truth of the Gospel, sinfulness of the human being, salvation, justification, life in Spirit, dilemma of the law and Christian freedom, etc.

  • Religious Studies

    The course equips students with knowledge of the essence of religion, its role in society, mail beliefs and practices of world and national religions as well as new religious movements. Particular attention is drawn to the issues of dialogue and testimony to representatives of other religions.

  • History of the Jewish People (2)

    The course studies the history of the Jewish people from the Great Rebellion (70 B.C.) until present. It considers the main events in the history of the Jews in the land of Israel and Jewish diaspora. The topics are presented from the perspective of the Bible and are combined with an integral view of the history of the Jews and their role and place in world events. Special attention is drawn to the biblical view of the history of the Jews as an expression of God’s attitude towards His people, fulfillment of God’s promises and warnings. The course also includes the biblical perspective of the future of Israel.

  • Epistle to Hebrews

    The given course is a comprehensive study of the Epistle to Hebrews. It considers authorship, dating, audience, and canonization of the epistle. The exegetic study is conducted in the light of the historical and cultural context. The analysis of the main themes is made in the context of the whole Scripture, with particular attention paid to the practical aspects in the present-day conditions.

  • Jewish Tradition

    The given course studies the Jewish traditions as a system of views and practices from the perspective of the Bible. It considers the meaning and role of the tradition in the life of the Jewish people, describes aspects of their history and overviews its main elements. It also analyses biblical and non-biblical elements of the tradition, offers recommendations on how to practically apply its elements which don’t contradict the Scriptures.

  • Antisemitism

    The course is intended to study antisemitism, first and foremost, as a spiritual phenomenon which has impact both on individuals and whole nations. It analyzes the roots of this phenomenon, considers its manifestations and consequences. It reviews how antisemitism was revealed in history, including modern history. The topic is analyzed solely on the ground of the Bible in the light of God’s treatment of antisemitism described in the Scriptures. Special attention is drawn to the issues of liberation from this serious sin and its consequences.

  • First and Second Epistles to Corinthians

    The course considers preconditions under which Paul wrote the First and Second epistles to Corinthians as well as exegetical analysis of the text with emphasis on its application both in a private life and life of a local Christian community.

  • Book of Acts

    The course analyzes the continued ministry of Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit in the birth of the Church and its development. It focuses on consideration of the main events in the book as well as research of geography and chronology of the spreading of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome.

  • Angelology. Spiritual War

    The course is a study of the Bible doctrine about angels, including a number of topics such as origin, nature, hierarchy, activities of both God’s angels and fallen angels. A separate block of topics includes issues of the spiritual war, its reality in the life of believers, God’s gear for believers to unveil the victory gained by Jesus Christ on the hill of Calvary.

  • The Bible on Covenants. Law and Grace

    The given course is on what the Bible teaches about the covenants, law, grace and their interrelation. It defines the aforementioned notions, studies their correlation with one another, provides relevant biblical illustrations. It draws particular attention to the covenants of God with people which played a key role in God’s redemption plan, as well as covenants of God with the Jewish people, namely the Sinai and new covenants, priesthood and laws in them. The course considers the purpose of the law, its constituent parts and functions, boundaries of its application, as well as the correlation between the law and grace. All topics are considered solely from the perspective of the Bible in the context of their practical significance for one’s life and ministry.

  • Bible Leadership

    The given course is on the Bible teaching about leadership. The offered topics consider personal qualities the leader should have, foundation of the leadership ministry and its various aspects, including team leadership. It also draws attention to issues and problems of leadership and ways to solve them. All themes are considered solely from the perspective of the Scriptures in correlation with practical experience, with examples of Bible characters who are worthy of following provided.

  • History of the Early and Medieval Church. Church and Jews

    The given course is about the history of the Church from its origin until the end of the Middle Ages. It considers issues of the Church emergence, development and proliferation, formation of church doctrines, rise and development of church structures. All events in the history of the Church are considered in the context of political, social, economic and other factors of relevant historic periods. Special attention is drawn to the treatment by the Church of the Jews, and how it resonated in its state, teaching and history. The history of the Church is considered solely from the perspective of the Bible, in particular in the context of the Bible prophecies.

  • Judaism

    The given course is on non-Messianic Judaism as a religion which is currently claiming exclusive influence on the Jewish people, and which arouses interest both on the side of the historic Church and present-day Christians. The course outlays the history of Judaism in its scientific and rabbi interpretations. It considers its underlying principles and fundamental provisions of the dogma and religious practice, analyzes its biblical and non-biblical aspects. It also characterizes the mainstream of modern Judaism and analyzes reasons of its origin. All topics of the course are considered from the perspective of the Bible as the highest authority for analysis and assessment of the history and dogma of any religion.

  • Church and Society

    The course traces down the political dimension of the main biblical narratives, laying a foundation for disclosure of the following issues: What is the Church? What are its social images and mission? What is the political stance of the Church in a state? What is the state both in the negative and positive meaning? What are forms of relations between the Church and state in the present-day world?

  • Introduction into Messianic Theology

    The course is on the revelation of the Bible about Israel as promised God’s people and integral part of the body of Messiah. It analyses the teaching of the Bible about the origin, purpose and role of the Jewish people in God’s salvation plan, God’s design of the Church as His family a key part of which the Jewish component is. It uncovers the biblical view of the importance of conversion of the Jews to their Messiah, Jesus Christ, as a precondition of a revival in the Church, its entrance into the fullness, maturity and the second coming of the Lord.

  • Principles of Structure and Life of Community

    The course studies principles of structure and life of communities/churches and their application in the present-day conditions. It analyses different models of community and church structures, paying utmost attention to communities/churches of small (home) groups which demonstrate the highest development and growth dynamics. The course considers various aspects of ministries and development of communities/churches. All issues related to the structure and management of a community and its growth are presented as interconnected. When considered, all topics account for long-standing experience of ministers of Jewish messianic communities and Christian churches solely from the perspective of the Bible.

  • Reformation. Church after Reformation. Jewish Messianic Movement

    The given course is about the history of the Church from the Reformation until the present time. It considers the reasons for the Reformation, its influence on historically established confessions and emergence of new confessions. It tracks down the life of the Church in conditions of different historic periods, with the rise and spread of the Jewish messianic movement analyzed in the context of fulfillment of the Bible prophecies. It draws particular attention to issues of the cross-confessional fellowship and unity of the Church on the grounds of the principles found in the Bible.

  • Messianic Missiology

    The given course is about fundamentals of the messianic missiology. Along with the general principles of the missionary ministry, it accentuates salvation of the Jews in accordance with the priorities established in the Bible (Rom. 1:16). It researches biblical, theological, historical and practical aspects of the missionary ministry. It also considers issues of the strategy and local objectives, planning and organization of the missionary work at different levels. It draws special attention to practical aspects of the messianic missiology, including forms and methods of the missionary ministry, accounting of cultures and subcultures, and requirements to the missionary.


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