We rejoice that the number of original Ukrainian worship songs is steadily growing. And we are especially grateful that our students are part of this creative movement.
True worship goes beyond the songs we sing in church—it is rooted in obedience to God, trust, and a genuine relationship with Him, free from the mindset of “I give to You, so You give to me.” Our God is worthy of unconditional praise and gratitude.
Worship begins far beyond the music or any church activity. If our worship sounds flawless but something feels off—if we sense we’ve become performers rather than true worshippers—perhaps it’s time to pause the music and return to the heart and motives behind it.
🎧 Listen to the album on all major streaming platforms:
🔗 Apple Music: https://bit.ly/3Q6AaK2
🔗 Spotify: https://bit.ly/3Q4Aaui
🔗 YouTube: https://bit.ly/412NqG6
🔗 Deezer: https://bit.ly/42MKMWi
🎥 Watch a short preview of the album on Facebook:
Meet the Creators:
Johan Van Der Kolf – songwriter, performer, organizer, time manager, acoustic guitarist, responsible for the first half of the project.
Danyil Panasenko (@Данил Панасенко) – songwriter, performer, organizer, student project release coordinator, actively involved in all organizational processes.
Daryna Bondarkova – songwriter, performer, idea generator, design team member, editor.
Oleksii Mykhniuk – songwriter, performer, organizer, project promotion lead, website manager.
Mykhailo Kyrychenko – performer, active in discussions and organizational processes, responsible for the musical arrangement of several songs.
Oleksandra Minienko – idea and concept generator, editor.
Iryna Maradudina – performer, administrative and creative team member.
Anastasiia Dudych (@Nastya Dudich) – performer, idea generator, cover design, and other organizational functions.
Oleksandr Kostikin (Alexander Kostikin) – project manager, producer, arranger.
Andrii Korneiev – producer, sound engineer.
Oleksandr Pastukhov – guitarist on multiple tracks.
Katya Simchuk – distribution manager.
Maryna Yarmolenko – project supervisor as the head of the department.