During the Christmas week from December 23-27, 2024, UETS faculty joined an interdenominational team of army chaplains who embarked on their mission trip to the frontline in the East of Ukraine to share the joy of this festive day with Ukrainian soldiers.
What is peculiar about the trip is that it was officially initiated and organized by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. We are happy that the Ukrainian government is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the military chaplains who have been serving Ukrainian servicemen and their families since 2014.
During their visits to different units, the team members held field Christmas services, prayed for just peace in Ukraine, asking God to strengthen the spirit of each warrior who is standing for his or her land against the unprovoked aggressor. They also thanked Ukrainian heroes for their courage and dedication, stressing the importance of unity, faith and hope at this challenging time.
As prayers and conversations were alternating with sounds of explosions nearby, the team asked one of the commanders whether he and his soldiers felt safe in trenches. “When you are here, we feel safer than in a tank,” he responded.
In addition to spiritual and psychological support, the chaplains delivered food products, thermal underwear and other things soldiers in the frontline are in drastic need of.
We are enormously grateful to our partners and friends, in particular from the Outreach Foundation, USA, who contributed to this ministry to the Ukrainian servicemen. May the Lord richly bless all of you!