June Study Sessions on UETS Campus

Головна Богослов'я June Study Sessions on UETS Campus

In June, UETS welcomed students of Applied Theology (non-residential program) and Practical Psychology on its campus for their last study sessions of this academic year. 


During this session, students of Applied Theology learned how to prepare interesting and relevant biblical sermons with a clear structure, and studied the history of Christianity starting from the day of Pentecost and up till the moment of official division into the Western and Eastern churches. They also learned to discuss and logically justify their beliefs when talking to people of opposite views.




As for Psychology students, they mastered courses such as Group Counseling, Counseling of People with Sexual Disorders, and Psychological Counseling of People with Addictions. Within each discipline, they learned theoretical principles and methods of counseling, practical counseling skills, various ways of diagnostics and treatment based on clinical research and standards, etc. 



For students of both programs, it was a valuable time of contemplation on God’s Word, meaningful classroom discussions, as well as no less important non-formal communication with each other and UETS faculty members, mutual prayers, and meals. 


We pray that all those seeds that were planted in these students during this session time will help them to grow their ministries and be more effective in fulfilling God’s integral mission.


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