October of 2024 turned out to be rather rich in online and offline study sessions conducted within UETS bachelor’s and certification programs.
Apart from online study sessions in Female Leadership and Counseling programs, the seminary was privileged to welcome its students from the Applied Theology, Messianic Theology, and Worship and Leadership programs on its campus.
The joy of hearing students’ voices in seminary corridors is indescribable, especially in the context of the ongoing war and numerous challenges in connection with it.
While the students of theology were delving into the studying of the key Christian doctrines and prolific discussions, the students of the Worship and Leadership program focused on enhancing their vocal and instrumental abilities, as well as refining their group performance.
Beyond the classroom, these sessions provided a valuable opportunity for students to connect with one another, build meaningful relationships, and enjoy fellowship in a supportive community.
Over the past weeks, the campus also came alive with a range of activities beyond lectures: a freshers’ initiation, a get-to-know-you evening, a table tennis tournament, film screenings, board games, and countless conversations that filled the halls with warmth and fellowship.
A highlight was the Worship Night. Despite the ongoing war and the pain it brings, we were able to pause, enter God’s presence together, and give Him the honor and worship He deserves.
This year, we’re especially inspired by our enrollment numbers. Despite the challenges of the war, we are seeing our highest number of students yet—people passionate about knowing God and making a positive impact on society.
It’s a powerful reminder that, even in difficult times, life and hope at the seminary carry on. Together, we press forward with our mission: serving the church and transforming society.