In October, UETS campus life came alive with students of various programs who came for their first study session in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Among others, we had the pleasure to welcome the first-year students of Applied and Messianic Theology Programs, who started their four-year-long journey with the Seminary.
During two weeks of their study session, these 1st year students learned what theology is and why it’s important, analyzed common mistakes in interpreting and applying biblical texts. They also acquired the skills needed to interpret and apply biblical texts accurately and to teach the proper approaches to studying the Bible in their churches.
Meanwhile, students of the 2nd and 3rd year of study explored the holistic biblical understanding of work and contemplated it as a way to reveal the creative nature of God’s Trinity. Through the examples of Biblical heroes, they looked at “ministry” as such, which is not limited by the walls of the church but can be realized in different ways, with work being one of them. The students explored an important idea of how we can turn our daily work into worship of God.
The 4th year students studied the history of the Evangelical-Protestant movement in Europe and Ukraine. The module has helped the students to better understand the context in which they serve in order to find the most successful approaches to build their ministries.
The students of theology, however, were not the only ones whom you could meet on the UETS campus in October. The students studying in the Counseling Program came to the campus as well to learn different counseling-related subjects, religious studies, as well as different models of integration of theology and psychology.
Other than studying, our students had a valuable opportunity to communicate with each other and with the faculty, build new connections, learn from, and get inspired by each other’s ministering experience.
We thank God for His protection in times of ongoing war and for His numerous blessings that He delivers to us through our friends to make it possible for us to continue our educational mission!