Wartime Reshapes UETS Worship Studies Program

Головна Wartime Reshapes UETS Worship Studies Program

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion two and a half years ago, instead of closing or cutting its programs, the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary has been searching ways to expand its ministry and impact. 



The Worship Studies Program is one of the academics we have reshaped during the war. Unable to admit residential students in our bachelor’s program due to wartime restrictions, we have launched a new hybrid program combining online classes and offline study sessions of the seminary campus. 



This program is intended for worship leaders, singers and musicians who filled in the gap at their local churches which had to restore or build up their worship ministry literally from scratch after many experienced worship team members fled in the face of war uncertainty, dangers and losses.   



It goes without saying that these new ministers often lack competences – both professional and theological – we seek to equip them with so that they are able to lead their congregations in worship with a biblical heart and mind in the war-torn and, as we believe, post-war Ukraine.



It is also worth mentioning that the war has also changed the repertoire at our churches, with an obvious shift towards songs of lament, and gave impetus to original Ukrainian song-writing.  Today, unlike a few years ago, when many songs were either in Russian and translated from English, the number of original worship songs written by local writers in Ukrainian is increasing.   



In addition to regular curriculum activities, the Department of Worship Studies at UETS holds different events, including workshops, conferences and retreats, trying to engage its students in multidimensional worship-related experiences.    



Last Saturday, for example, saw a masterclass Skills of a Worship Singer, during which faculty and students focused on practical skills of a worship team singer such as vision of a worship song, voice box, modern vocal techniques, improvisation basics, voice projection, etc. 



Earlier, on May 27-28, faculty and students went on a retreat where they delved into the importance of spiritual formation, studied the history of worship, discussed ways to prevent exhaustion and burnout, and, of course, worshiped together. 



Pray for UETS to effectively contribute to raising a new generation of worship leaders, singers and musicians who, being properly trained and equipped, articulate the clear message of the Gospel through corporate worship, passionately pursue the presence of God and help others do the same.



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