Support Capital Projects
The current UETS capital project presupposes the construction of a 5-storied building with a bomb shelter and trauma-healing center, which is intended to function both as an educational and rehabilitation facility.

Although, considering the ongoing full-scale war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a ‘brick-and-mortar’ project like this one may seem untimely, it is a well-thought and deliberate decision pursuing a number of urgent needs and goals all of which are directed at renewal of Ukraine and its recovery from the consequences of the deadly war.
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Training New Church Leaders

First and foremost, the completion of this capital project will enable us to effectively continue are mission of training national church leaders, Christian (lay) counselors, social, rehabilitation and relief workers, and community builders by admitting more students (1 000 students a year), who will serve their churches and communities in the war-torn and, as we believe, post-war Ukraine.

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Security and Inclusivity

Second, the new academic building will also solve some urgent need for a bomb-shelter the seminary faculty, staff, students and neighborhood residents could use during regular missile and drone attacks directed against the Ukrainian capital. Also, considering that Ukraine is already the leading country in the world by the number of amputees, the future facility is designed to be inclusive for all categories of the disabled people.

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Relief Ministry and Community Service

Third, the expanded capacity will reinforce the role of the seminary as a humanitarian hub from which the relief ministry is coordinated and humanitarian assistance is delivered to war-affected areas in Ukraine. The new building is intended to be open for the local community. Local residents will be invited to use the facilities and, in such a war, get exposed to Christian fellowship, care and counseling.

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Trauma-Healing and Rehabilitation of Veterans

Fourth, as we firmly believe in incarnational ministry and practicing what we teach, our vision extends beyond education. Considering that the number of war victims is constantly on the rise, a new building is intended to function also as a trauma-healing center for many war-traumatized Ukrainians, in particular war veterans, former prisoners-of-war, and PTSD patients. The new UETS trauma-healing and rehabilitation facility is planned to admit 400 people a year.

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Financial Sustainability

Finally, the project is planned to directly contribute to the long-term financial stability and sustainability of the seminary. Upon the completion of the project, UETS, which is situated in a picturesque resort area near the Ukrainian capital, will be capable of generating additional income by hosting conferences, retreats and other events held by churches and Christians organizations, and, therefore, less depend on external donations.

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Ways to Give

There are several easy ways to make a donation to UETS such as (1) through a fund of the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary at TrustBridge, (2) through United World Mission, (3) by direct transfer.

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Give Through UETS Fund at TrustBridge

You can donate to the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Fund at the TrustBridge Global Foundation at the link below. To do it, you need to follow several simple steps, such as indicating what country you give from, selecting a contribution type (bank transfer online/offline, credit card, physical check, donor advised fund, etc.) and describing a contribution purpose. We would be grateful if you could also inform us via email (cfr@uets.net) about a date and amount of your donation. It is important to note that credit card transactions are charged a fee of 2.9%-4.5% depending on the card issuer and country.

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Give Through United World Mission

If you are willing to wire funds in US DOLLARS, you can also do it through THE UNITED WORLD MISSION, an official partner of UETS in the United States, at the following link. We would also be grateful if you could inform us via email (cfr@uets.net) about a date and amount of your donation.

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Give by Direct Transfer

Company Name: Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary
Company Address: 57 Kvitky Tsysyk Str., 04075 Kyiv, Ukraine
IBAN Code: UA673052990000026003005005260
Correspondent Bank Account: 001-1-000080
Correspondent SWIFT Code: CHASUS33
Correspondent Bank : JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA
Correspondent Bank Account: 890-0085-754
Correspondent SWIFT Code: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent Bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA