Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation

On-Campus Mode

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The program is intended to create conditions for Christian youth to get strengthened in their faith, socialize, gain experience of independent life and basic training for further education.

Who is this program for?

  • School graduates who want to decide upon their future
  • Young people who want to think over their faith and gain basic knowledge of theology
  • Those who want to better understand their calling as a part of God’s mission

Requirements to prospective students

  • Membership of a local church
  • Certificate of full secondary education

Duration and Mode

  • Resident program
  • Certificate – 1 year
  • Possibility of admission into the second year of the Applied Theology bachelor’s program



  • A foothold in Christian faith and ethics
  • Spiritual and emotional stability
  • Responsibility


  • Basic knowledge of principles of critical thinking and analysis
  • Knowledge of the main principles to interpret the Bible
  • Understanding of the main Christian doctrines
  • Understanding of the main principles of spiritual practices


  • Ability to use the main Bible interpretation principles
  • Ability to shape and communicate an opinion
  • Ability to be guided by Christian ethic values
  • Ability to do main spiritual practices

Main Courses

  • Specialized Ukrainian

    The course helps students acquire skills of professional communication in Ukrainian at grammatical, lexical and stylistic levels.

  • Ukrainian History and Culture

    The course is intended to disclose and analyze the history of self-perception of the Ukrainian people, peculiarities of preconditions for ups and downs of the Ukrainian statehood, as well as consider the main stages of development of the Ukrainian culture.

  • Hermeneutics

    The course is intended to equip students with basic principles to expound a biblical text, form a balanced approach to interpret the Scriptures and urge Christians to independently study the Bible. It comprises topics such as review of historic attempts to expound the Scriptures, different approaches to their interpretation, assessment of problems related to interpretation and ways to resolve them, determination of correct and incorrect approaches to expound the Bible.

  • Christian Ethics

    The course introduces general notions of ethics and morale, compares secular and biblical ethical approaches as well as analyses the biblical foundation to solve practical issues in various spheres of ethics. It draws particular attention to ethical issues such as divorce and new marriage, admissible and inadmissible professions? admissible and inadmissible art, participation in political movements, intellectual property, etc.

  • Review of the New Testament

    Basic course that helps to shape a general holistic picture of the New Testament epoch and equips with fundamental knowledge of each book of the News Testament. The course consists of two blocks. The first one considers the historic, cultural and religious background of the New Testament. The second comprises issues of the canon and text of the New Testament as well as review of each book of the New Testament.

  • Old Testament

    This is a fundamental course which helps one draw a general picture of the Old Testament epoch. It considers the culture of the Ancient East as the factor which influences understanding of the message of the Old Testament; chronological order of events described in the Old Testament; its being inspired by God; as well as issues of its canon, authorship and setting of its books, interpretation of its texts.

  • Modern Technologies in Education

    The course is aimed at students mastering modern technological possibilities in education which serve as a qualitative supplement for better implementation of research results, procession of academic material and its presentation.

  • Fundamentals of Research

    The course is intended to shape research skills in the realm of theology and church ministry. On the one hand, the course considers the role of research in the academic and spiritual life of the believer, raising questions such as “What does it mean to research and think critically?” “What is the role of knowledge?” How is faith connected to the mind?” On the other hand, the course draws attention to technical rules of writing research papers and reviews.

  • English

    The course develops proper English language skills with the view to, first, using English language resources in academic studies and, second, forming the ability to present key ideas of one’s research / sermons.

  • Pedagogics

    The course systematizes the knowledge about education as a pedagogical process of formation of the individual. It discloses forms, methods, means of training and education as well as develops skills to plan and organize academic work in line with the main pedagogical regularities and principles.

  • Philosophy

    While auditing the course, students study and analyze a number of key philosophical texts, both classical and modern. The course enables students to independently get familiar with philosophical texts and make their high-quality analysis through discussion.

  • Life of Jesus Christ

    The course offers a narrative and theological approach to studying the four canonical Gospels. They are viewed in three tightly interwoven contexts, namely Judaic, early Christian and political (the Roman Empire).

  • Eisagogika of Old Testament

    The course is aimed at forming a clear understanding of the main characteristics and content of the Old Testament books, presentation of key theological topics of these books and their interconnection with the New Testament books.

  • Homiletics

    The course is aimed at equipping students with skills to draw up a biblical, interesting, relevant and clearly structured sermon. It focuses mainly on development of the abilities to identify a key idea of a passage, outline the sermon, fill it with relevant content and illustration.

  • Spiritual Formation

    The course throws light on spiritual formation of an individual in the light of evangelical traditions. It harmoniously combines the study of theology and Christian spiritual practices. It focuses primarily on several practices such as search for God, prayer, reflections about the Scriptures, mentorship, fasting, and solitude.

  • Introduction to Theology

    The course is of primary importance in the formation of understanding of the essence and objectives of theology. It focuses on consideration of several key points such as subject, purpose, sources, methods and kinds of theology, its formation and expression in the past, as well as its development today.

  • English

    The course develops proper English language skills with the view to, first, using English language resources in academic studies and, second, forming the ability to present key ideas of one’s research / sermons.


The first days were terrible without my mother :-) I was very sad without family, I wanted to go...

Alina Philatova

Student of the Applied Theology residential program

I felt a great need for fundamental knowledge about the essence of Christianity and understanding...

Mykola Kuksa

Student of the Applied Theology residential program

The main reason why I enrolled in UETS was my desire to build my life on a solid foundation, to...

Anna Haidar

Student of the Applied Theology residential program

I enrolled in UETS because I wanted to get the degree required for the ministry in the Wickliffe...

Nataliia Komarova

Graduate of the Applied Theology residential program

I planned to study and then work in the field of psychology, so I realized that I needed a...

Artem Ostroverh

Graduate of the Applied Theology residential program

UETS offers a good quality non-denominational education. What impressed me the most is the attitude...

Vadym Korotkin

Graduate of the Applied Theology residential program


Program director

Radyslav Tatsiun

+380 97 903 19 74

Information for prospective students

57 Kvitky Tsisyk, Kyiv 04075

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