Music Ministry and Theology. Certificate Program

Music Ministry and Theology. Certificate Program

Resident Program

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To equip students with basic knowledge and skills for effective organization of worship ministry at local churches in spheres such as basic theology, theology of worship, leadership as well as professional music.

Who is this program for?

  • Leaders and members and worship ministry;
  • Members of worship teams, solo performers, choir members, instrumentalists;
  • Christians who are willing to develop their music skills and deepen their knowledge of the Bible and theology in the sphere of worship.

Admission requirements

  • Membership of a local church (baptism immersion);
  • Certificate of full secondary education;
  • Certificate of completion of a music school program or program of a pedagogical/music college;
  • Mandatory creative admission exam.

Duration and Mode

  • Resident program
  • Certificate – 1 year



  • Responsibility, discipline;
  • Development of leadership features;
  • Ability to self-reflect.


  • Basic knowledge of theology, Bible studies and fundamentals of Christian faith;
  • Knowledge of fundamentals of organization of church worship, theology of worship and principles of leadership;
  • Basic theoretical knowledge in the field of music ministry and theology.


  • Ability to lead a church in contextual worship as well as plan and organize worship during a church service;
  • Confident using of practical professional skills (singers, instrumentalists);
  • Basic piano or keyboard playing skills


  • History of Music

    The course consists of 28 lectures. It analyzes the general development of music art in different historical periods, helps to understand the origin of modern music styles and genres, and familiarizes with the most popular works of music art.

  • Elementary Theory of Music

    The course is taught during the first and second semesters. It consists of 42 lectures. It analyzes major peculiarities of music elements (intervals, cords, scales) and logic of their correlation; develops skills of accurate note-writing (notes, pauses, rhythmic grouping, etc.); equips with knowledge of specific music terminology and forms the ability to operate it.

  • Solfeggio

    The course is taught during the first and second semesters. It includes 42 practical classes. The course reinforces basic knowledge in the field, develops music skills (hearing ability, memory, rhythm); helps to uncover creative abilities of students, familiarizes with theoretical foundations of the music art. Students practice by intoning scales, intervals, cords, sequences; identifying by ear certain rhythmic formulas and melodies.

  • General Piano

    The course is taught during two semesters. Students take it in groups, from 1 to 3 classes a week. The course comprises basics of the piano apparatus; basic note literacy; accompanying and playing cords; performing simple music works. The course plays an important practical role in development of music skills; has interdisciplinary links with subjects such as Solfeggio, Theory of Music, Harmony, Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble.

  • Vocals

    This practical specialized course is aimed at basic training of vocalists of worship teams as well as performers in the process of systematic vocals classes. 1 classroom hour / 1 time a week. In the first year, the course helps to learn basic principles of formation, development and protection of one’s voice as well as work on a piece of music.

  • Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass-Guitar

    The course is taught during the whole school year. It consists of 56 classroom training sessions / 2 hours a week. The course is aimed at forming instrumental and performing competence, and developing creative potential of a student in the process of his or her learning school guitar repertoire; training a student for instrumental and performing activities, independent professional work and participation in the worship team ministry.

  • Piano / Keyboard

    This practical specialized course is taught for three years / 2 hours a week. It comprises getting correct statement of hands; mastering piano techniques; studying and analyzing modern pieces by notes; picking out a melody by ear; acquiring basic improvisation skills, ability to accompany, play one’s part by ear, ability to perform in a band, understand own role and function as a keyboard player in a church service. The main task is to equip a student with knowledge and skills for high-quality ministry at a local church.

  • Violin

    Only those students are admitted to major in violin who have basic (music school) or special training (college). The course is taught during the whole school year. It includes 56 classroom training sessions / 2 hours a week. While studying, the student is getting ready for instrumental and performing activities in a band, develops own specialized instrumental and performing skills, broadens his or her music worldview through practical familiarization with well-known pieces of music in different music styles and genres of the modern and old popular and jazz music; develops figurative thinking and artistic taste.

  • Ethics

    The course introduces general notions of ethics and morale, compares secular and biblical ethical approaches as well as analyses the biblical foundation to solve practical issues in various spheres of ethics. It draws particular attention to ethical issues such as divorce and new marriage, admissible and inadmissible professions? admissible and inadmissible art, participation in political movements, intellectual property, etc.

  • Review of the New Testament

    Basic course that helps to shape a general holistic picture of the New Testament epoch and equips with fundamental knowledge of each book of the News Testament. The course consists of two blocks. The first one considers the historic, cultural and religious background of the New Testament. The second comprises issues of the canon and text of the New Testament as well as review of each book of the New Testament.

  • Choir

    Choir class or show choir is a practical course that students master during three years. It includes classroom hours / 1 hour a week. The course helps to practically master biblical principles of worship, improve professional skills, and familiarize with the best samples of the world choir worship music heritage.

  • Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble

    This practically-oriented course is one of the key courses of the program. It includes 3 classroom training sessions / 1 class a week. The course helps to model an effective rehearsal process during which students put into practice their knowledge of the theology of worship, acquire skills of harmonious ensemble work, and get trained to prepare for a musical part of a church service.

  • Fundamentals of Research

    The course is intended to shape research skills in the realm of theology and church ministry. On the one hand, the course considers the role of research in the academic and spiritual life of the believer, raising questions such as “What does it mean to research and think critically?” “What is the role of knowledge?” How is faith connected to the mind?” On the other hand, the course draws attention to technical rules of writing research papers and reviews.

  • History of Music

    The course consists of 28 lectures. It analyzes the general development of music art in different historical periods, helps to understand the origin of modern music styles and genres, and familiarizes with the most popular works of music art.

  • Elementary Theory of Music

    The course is taught during the first and second semesters. It consists of 42 lectures. It analyzes major peculiarities of music elements (intervals, cords, scales) and logic of their correlation; develops skills of accurate note-writing (notes, pauses, rhythmic grouping, etc.); equips with knowledge of specific music terminology and forms the ability to operate it.

  • Solfeggio

    The course is taught during the first and second semesters. It includes 42 practical classes. The course reinforces basic knowledge in the field, develops music skills (hearing ability, memory, rhythm); helps to uncover creative abilities of students, familiarizes with theoretical foundations of the music art. Students practice by intoning scales, intervals, cords, sequences; identifying by ear certain rhythmic formulas and melodies.

  • Biblical Principles of Praise and Worship Ministry

    The modular course includes 24 hours of lectures, with 12 hours in the first semester and 12 hours in the second semester. While taking the course, students access a comprehensive description of biblical principles of praise and worship ministry in the contemporary evangelical church.

  • Theology of Worship

    The course is taught in the second semester. It includes 14 lectures / 1 lecture a week. It throws light on worship through studying the Old and New Testaments in order to develop and strengthen basic knowledge of the theology and worship in the context of studying the Bible. It pays special attention to relevant application of this theology in a contemporary church service.

  • Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble

    This practically-oriented course is one of the key courses of the program. It includes 3 classroom training sessions / 1 class a week. The course helps to model an effective rehearsal process during which students put into practice their knowledge of the theology of worship, acquire skills of harmonious ensemble work, and get trained to prepare for a musical part of a church service.

  • Church Praxeology

    The course is aimed at spiritual formation of an individual in the light of evangelical traditions. The material harmoniously combines the study of theology and Christian spiritual practices. It draws special attention to spiritual practices such as search for God, prayer, reflections about the Scriptures, mentorship, fasting, solitude, etc.

  • General Piano

    The course is taught during two semesters. Students take it in groups, from 1 to 3 classes a week. The course comprises basics of the piano apparatus; basic note literacy; accompanying and playing cords; performing simple music works. The course plays an important practical role in development of music skills; has interdisciplinary links with subjects such as Solfeggio, Theory of Music, Harmony, Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble.

  • Vocals

    This practical specialized course is aimed at basic training of vocalists of worship teams as well as performers in the process of systematic vocals classes. 1 classroom hour / 1 time a week. In the first year, the course helps to learn basic principles of formation, development and protection of one’s voice as well as work on a piece of music.

  • Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass-Guitar

    The course is taught during the whole school year. It consists of 56 classroom training sessions / 2 hours a week. The course is aimed at forming instrumental and performing competence, and developing creative potential of a student in the process of his or her learning school guitar repertoire; training a student for instrumental and performing activities, independent professional work and participation in the worship team ministry.

  • Piano / Keyboard

    This practical specialized course is taught for three years / 2 hours a week. It comprises getting correct statement of hands; mastering piano techniques; studying and analyzing modern pieces by notes; picking out a melody by ear; acquiring basic improvisation skills, ability to accompany, play one’s part by ear, ability to perform in a band, understand own role and function as a keyboard player in a church service. The main task is to equip a student with knowledge and skills for high-quality ministry at a local church.

  • Violin

    Only those students are admitted to major in violin who have basic (music school) or special training (college). The course is taught during the whole school year. It includes 56 classroom training sessions / 2 hours a week. While studying, the student is getting ready for instrumental and performing activities in a band, develops own specialized instrumental and performing skills, broadens his or her music worldview through practical familiarization with well-known pieces of music in different music styles and genres of the modern and old popular and jazz music; develops figurative thinking and artistic taste.


For me, the seminary became not just a place where I got spiritual and musical education, but a...

Andryi Zaitsev

Graduate of the Music Ministry and Theology residential program


Program director

Maryna Yarmolenko
+380 93 046 43 30

Information for prospective students
57 Kvitky Tsisyk, Kyiv 04075


+380 95 315 84 42

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