Below you can find a testimony about the current ministry of our partner Word of Faith Church in Cherkasy, where many seminary students and graduates serve:
“There are always people who need special care and attention. When the active phase of the war in Ukraine started, the number of such people has grown multiple times. These are internally displaced people, the elderly, ordinary citizens who have lost their jobs or have found themselves in other tough circumstances.
Therefore, in partnership with local charities and non-indifferent local residents, we started cooking and delivering hot meals for the elderly, hosting refugees who had fled their homes where intense fighting was taking place, and provide them with basic necessities. We have got a wonderful team, who have organized all processes for well-coordinated and effective work.
Having become a source of this assistance, which, without exaggeration, is vital for all its recipients, members of our congregation have experienced a tremendous blessing from what they have been doing. It is really unbearable to stay at home and watch non-stop news about the latest developments. Instead, working together to benefit the society, we have enjoyed the feeling of responsibility and satisfaction.
In addition to food packages, we have opened a distribution center at our church, from where volunteers take humanitarian assistance to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Special cargoes from our congregation are sent directly in the warzone where they are distributed by to a local Red Cross team. This has become an important part of our mission.
As of today, the church premises continue playing its humanitarian role. It is also used as a bomb shelter open for any city residents at any time, day or night. We are also working on new social projects for children and youth.
Due the financial assistance of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, which stretched a helping hand to us, will help us to continue our ministry to the IDP’s and other needy people.

Life and Ministry at the Seminary
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Ministry during Wartime
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Mission on the campus and beyond
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