Diyalogue Public Union
The Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary is privileged to be one of the co-founders of the...
“Theological education isn’t just about learning—it transforms you, strengthening your spirit…”
Interview with Serhiy Dymchenko, a UETS student of applied theology and pastor of the Salvation...
This month, we had the incredible privilege of hosting the “Facets of Calling” women’s...
“Bright Future” is a worship album created by graduates of the Bachelor’s Program in Music Ministry and Theology
We rejoice that the number of original Ukrainian worship songs is steadily growing. And we are...
UETS Study Sessions in February 2025
Amidst the ongoing unjust war and the harsh winter, we continue the mission God has entrusted to...
“At the seminary, I have gained invaluable experiences…”
Interview with Serhiy Holovach, a UETS student of Christian Care and Counseling and minister of the...
Interview with UETS President on Occasion of 3rd Anniversary of Russian Aggression
Dear friends, it’s been almost three years since the Russian Federation waged its full-scale...
Appeal of the UCCRO on the Eve of the Third Anniversary of the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine
The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO) has issued an Appeal on the...
UETS Welcomes Guests from Scholar Leaders International
This week, UETS team was privileged to welcome the President, Dr. Christopher M. Hays, and...
UETS Continues Its Winterization Ministry
As Ukraine is approaching the third anniversary of the war, the Ukrainian nation is still going...
Christmas in Trenches
During the Christmas week from December 23-27, 2024, UETS faculty joined an interdenominational...
UETS Holds it Annual Soul and Word Conference
On December 2-3, 2024, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary held its annual Soul and Word...
“The church should actively engage with the world”, Roman Babinets
Can you please share more about yourself? What is the name of the church where you serve, and what...
1000 Days of Full-Scale War
Dear UETS friends and partners, On this sad 1 000-day anniversary of the full-scale...
UETS Program in Counseling Gets Government Licensing
We are happy to share with you that the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary has successfully...
October Offline Study Sessions at UETS
October of 2024 turned out to be rather rich in online and offline study sessions conducted within...
Army Chaplain Day in Ukraine
On October 12, Ukraine celebrated the Army Chaplain Day, recognizing those who tirelessly serve to...
Theology and Practice of the Table
In September 2024, students of the Department’s of Worship new program “Theology and Practice of...
UETS Presidents Speaks at Fourth Lausanne Congress
On September 22-28, 2024, the President of the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, Ivan...
A New Book on Holistic Mission
As Ukraine approaches the 1,000-day anniversary of the war going on the Ukrainian soil, claiming...
2024 Graduation Ceremony at UETS
Amid the challenges of the ongoing war, we were blessed with an oasis of hope as we celebrated the...
The War Has Made Us Stronger
An interview with Kostiantyn Nekrasa, a student of the Applied Theology Program, pastor and army...
First Day of the New Academic Year at UETS!
September 2, 2024, like in many other schools, marked the official start of a new...
Russia Undertakes Another Air Strike Across Ukraine
This pain will never cease… Lacking words to express it… “How long, o Lord?” Today,...
Wartime Reshapes UETS Worship Studies Program
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion two and a half years ago, instead of closing or...
UETS Website Changes Its Domain Name
Dear friends and partners of UETS! We would like to share the news that our website has been...
Seminary Provided Me With Holistic Training
The following is an interview with Volodymyr Vitenko, a 4th year student of the Applied Theology...
UETS Continues To Develop Its Media Ministry
The Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, in addition to its academics and wartime relief...
The Importance Of Forming Teenage Leaders And The Role Of Theological Education In It
Recently, we had a great conversation with Marina Porfilova, the student of the Applied Theology...
The Public Union “Dialog”
Dear Friends, We are happy to share the great news that we have created the Public Union...
My Studies at UETS Have Made Me More Organized, Mission-Oriented and Purpose-Driven
‘My Studies at UETS Have Made Me More Organized, Mission-Oriented and Purpose-Driven.’ Interview...
Family Ministry Program Study Session May 2024
In May, we had the privilege of hosting students for the Family Ministry Program (FMP) study...
UETS Holds Its Annual Soul and Word Conference
On May 24-25, UETS held its annual ‘Soul and Word’ conference on its campus. Today, maintaining...
Remembrance Day Holds Profound Significance for Every Ukrainian
On the 8th of May, our nation reflects on the great tragedy of the Second World War that unfolded...
Exploring Christian Care, Counseling, and Art Therapy
During these disturbing times, life within the seminary still brims with activity, bustling with...
UETS Holds ‘Dream Team’ Youth Leadership Conference
Last week , April 25-27, UETS held the Youth Leadership Conference called ‘Dream Team’. The...
UETS Team Undertakes Another Relief Trip to The Warzone
On April 19, 20204 UETS faculty and staff formed a team that embarked on another trip to the...
Resilience Amidst Crisis
On April 14-17, 2024, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary held a retreat for army chaplains...
UETS Holds Its Theology for Life Conference
The seminary’s annual Theology for Life Conference, focusing on the theology of citizenship...
Christ is Risen!
Dear UETS Friends, Please accept our warmest Easter greeting over to you from the staff and...
UETS Study Sessions in March
UETS leadership and staff are unwavering in their commitment to the empowering of students to major...
War Takes its Heavy Toll on Ukraine
With more than two years into the bloodiest war since WWII, the Ukrainian nation is still going...
UETS Graduate Pours Out Her Heart In a New Song
We are overjoyed to witness the blossom of our graduates as they embark on their journeys in...
Following God’s Calling in Art-Therapy
Olha Maksymenko — is a clothes designer, serving at the Hope of the World Church in Ukrainka city....
UETS Women in Leadership Conference
On March 1-2, 2024, UETS gathered nearly 90 women on campus and 20 more online for its Women in...
UETS Receives Government Licensing
We are happy to share with you that Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary has received the...
Two Years of the Aggression: Moral Leadership in Times of Crisis
Register for an online event on Friday, February 23, 2024 | 7:00 pm Kyiv time (EET) | online, Zoom
UETS Continues its Educational Mission in Central Asia
Despite internal challenges in relation to the full-scale war underway in Ukraine, UETS, being...
January Study Sessions
Despite the continuing war challenges, UETS continues to carry out its educational mission and...
UETS Continues its Winter Relief Ministry
With almost two years into the bloodiest war since WWII, the Ukrainian nation is still going...
Declaration of the Christian Churches of Ukraine
The war of aggression launched by Russia in 2014 against Ukraine, and continued with a full-scale...
Continued Prayers Needed Amidst Russia’s Deadly Mass Strikes
Dear friends, as you might know, Russia has launched another deadly mass strike against Ukraine. It...
Merry Christmas!
Dear friends of UETS, let us extend to you our warmest greetings this Christmas! The war has...
Military Chaplains Conference Held at UETS
On November 20-24, 2023, UETS hosted a conference for army chaplains held by the Military...
Persecuted Church Needs Prayers
Attack on religious freedom is one of the first things following the occupation by the Russian...
New Church Teams Arrive for Social Ministry Workshop
In November, six new teams from churches across Ukraine arrived at UETS to work on social...
New Alliance of Theological Schools
On November 7-10, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary participated in the Inaugural General...
How did studying at UETS impact me? – Serhii’s Story
Serhii Shmatko is a graduate of the Applied Theology Program and a Youth Pastor of the Living Hope...
UETS President Speaks at the US Institute of Peace
UETS President Ivan Rusyn is currently on a visit to the United States as a member of a delegation...
UETS Launches New Programs as Response to War Challenges
This academic year, as a response to the challenges caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, UETS...
UETS October Study Sessions
In October, UETS campus life came alive with students of various programs who came for their first...
UETS Signs MOU with Asbury Theological Seminary
On October 18, 2023, UETS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Asbury Theological Seminary. ...
Counseling Children and Teens
This is an interview with Nataliya Maksymovych, a member of and minister at the Philadelphia church...
New Program in Young Leadership
UETS is about to launch a new program for young church and ministry leaders which is called...
Counseling Ministry in War-Affected Ukraine – Iryna’s Story
Iryna Stefanenko is a wife, mother of two children, doctor, manager, and psychologist. She is a...
Pastoral Ministry at Wartime Panel Discussion
On September 15, 2023, the Department of Theology of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary...
Role of Education in Ministry
Interview with Oleksandr Ukhnal, a student of applied theology and youth leader at Salvation Church...
2023 Graduation Ceremony
On September 16, 2023, UETS held its annual Graduation Ceremony. The seminary faculty, staff and...
Children’s and Youth Ministry at Wartime – Yuliia’s Story
Yuliia Potapenko is an administrator and part of the worship team at the Source of Love Church in...
UETS to Launch Psychological Counselling Center
Amidst the ongoing war, psychological support of people in Ukraine remains one of the priority...
Introduction to Art Therapy Methods Workshop
On July 7, the Introduction to Art Therapy Methods Workshop was held on the UETS campus. The...
War Continues Taking Its Toll
Today, July 8, is the 500th day of the large-scale war waged by Russia against Ukraine… ...
UETS President talks in Columbus about war’s impact on Ukraine
On June 29, 2023 UETS President Dr. Ivan Rusyn visited Columbus, GA, where he addressed a prayer...
“SUPER STARist” Ministry – Olena’s Story
Olena Lahovska is a graduate of the UETS Social Ministry Workshop Program. She is a wife, mother,...
Applied Theology Students Defend their Theses
The academic year of 2022-2023 has been full of challenges. Still, nonetheless, students of the...
June Study Sessions on UETS Campus
In June, UETS welcomed students of Applied Theology (non-residential program) and Practical...
A New Program in Art-Therapy
It goes without saying that the war affects everyone in different ways, with children often being...
Soul and Word: UETS Psychology Conference
On June 10th, a psychology conference, "Soul and Word," was held on the UETS campus. The conference...
Southern Ukraine is Crying Out for Help
On June 6th, we were all shaken by yet another savagely cruel act of terrorism carried out by...
Trauma Healing Ministry: UETS Student’s Story
Liudmyla Lobok, UETS 3rd-year student of Psychology, The Church of Christ, Kropyvnytskyi city...
UETS Continues Its Relief Ministry
On May 23-27, a team of volunteers made up of 8 UETS staff workers and seminary partners went on...
UETS Launches a New Program in Leadership and Worship
Before the full-scale invasion, the sphere of worship was actively developing in evangelical...
Trauma Healing Module with Asbury Theological Seminary
On May 22-26, 2023, UETS, in cooperation with Asbury Theological Seminary, conducted a 5-day module...
UETS Media Ministry Receives New Impetus
Unlike the Soviet era, when evangelical Christians were either severely persecuted and...
April Study Sessions at UETS
In April, we were happy to welcome students of the Transformative Leadership and Mission in the...
UETS Refugee Students Actively Serve Abroad
It is not a secret that the war has scattered many Ukrainians around the world. As you might...
Unexpected Continuation of Social Ministry Workshop
Around a month ago, we were happy to share with you the news about successful completion of studies...
Panel Discussion in UETS: “War and Pastor: Challenges at Wartime”
On April 7, 2023, UETS held a panel discussion called: "War and Pastor: Challenges of Pastors at...
Theology and Community Dialogue: Video
War has taught us many things. It is in the conditions of war that we felt more than ever what it...
UETS Student Becomes First Female Chaplain Officer
April 1, 2023, has become a truly historic day for Ukraine – the first cohort of 30 military...
Outreach Foundation Team Visits UETS
On March 22-24, the faculty and staff of the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary were...
Fourth Cohort Enrolls into Initial Crisis Counseling Program
We would like to share with you that the fourth cohort of students has been admitted into...
Social Ministry Workshop
The first cohort of students of our new short-term program Social Ministry Workshop successfully...
New Short-Term Program Launched
We are glad to announce an opening of a new short-term program “The Mission of Church...
First Offline Session for Non-Resident Students
Back in 2020, when the pandemic broke out, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary...
Defeating Trauma Training
On February 1-2, a training on Defeating Trauma was held on the UETS campus. ...
CRU Staff Trained at UETS
In January 2023, we were happy to welcome on our campus a team of Campus Crusade for...
UETS Relief Ministry at Wartime
Since the beginning of the war last February, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological...
Christ is born!
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)...
Archbishop of Canterbury Visits UETS
Today, on December 2, 2022, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary was privileged...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today, we would like to congratulate our American friends (not only) on the...
New Program in Family Counseling
The ongoing war has significantly affected all layers of population and spheres of...
Сampus restoration
As you remember, in the spring, when the frontline was just several miles away, the seminary campus...
Program in Children’s Counseling
It is known that consequences of any war are far-reaching, affecting absolutely all layers...
Graduation 2022
It is a tremendous joy of our hearts we cannot wait to share with you… Today has...
Lord is keeping us in His hands
From time to time we try to throw light on ministry of UETS students and graduate during the...
Trip to Eastern Ukraine
Last week, our team of eight volunteers went on another relief trip to Eastern Ukraine…...
UETS Prayer Requests
Let us share the latest developments and current prayer requests of the seminary: ...
Life-Saving Ride
Couple weeks ago, we were on another trip to the warzone in Eastern Ukraine… We went to the...
Rising Toll of the War
The war in Ukraine is still taking its toll, which testifies to the scope of the suffering...
Last Prayer
As you know, the team of our volunteers regularly embarks on mission trips to Eastern...
“We did it!”
Below you can read a testimony of Artem Radionov, UETS graduate and youth pastor at the...
Value of Partnership
With more than 4 months of the war behind, we appreciate even more the value of partnership....
Continued Relief Ministry
Despite predictions, the fighting in the East and South is still very intense, with the...
Ministry in Poland
The following is a testimony of Olha Shumkova, UETS librarian and refugee, about how God has...
Current ministry in Cherkasy
Below you can find a testimony about the current ministry of our partner Word of Faith...
Mission on the campus and beyond
More and more people are coming to the seminary cafeteria from our neighborhood and...
Life and Ministry at the Seminary
Thank you for being the ones we can share our hearts with at this challenging time. We...
Mission trip to Eastern Ukraine
The following is a testimony about a mission trip undertaken by a team of our volunteers to...
Ministry during Wartime
The following are more testimonies about ministry of our students at the wartime: ...
Students’ Ministry at Wartime
Today, we would like to share some testimonies of our students about their ministry at the...